Wednesday 1 May 2013

E4 and Sky Atlantic

 The E4 advert is more humourous, this is probably refelcting what the institution is like.Telling audiences that they are a fun and entertaining institution.The sky atlantic advert is more serious this could be because of the genre and intended audience of the channels.If the adverts were made to show the genres of the shows then E4 would have a serious looking advert like sky atlantic because of the show 'revenge' which is quite a 'serious' show.Similar to the ones on Sky atlantic.these adverst are refelecting wht the institution is like.Sky atlantic if for adults varying from older 20's and early 30's and continuing onto 40's.This would be the most likely age range for this channel as there are some old actors who were big in their time in shows featured on this channel,such as Kevin bacon and Dennis quaid.People in their 30's would recongise them and watch it for them because of personal identity.Sky atlantic has a serious tone to it.The diagetic sound is from a character in one of the shows which says a few lines that kind of sums up all the shows about a hero with a flaw.This is generalised to the shows that are being shown in this advert.The E4 channel begins with a more humorous diagetic sound which is the cartoon character Cleaveland saying 'Cue the music!'.Which then leads to happy up beat music and funny shots from the different shows that are featured on the channel.The Sky atlantic channel has constant quotes from each show that makes up the advert and introduces the different shows.Whereas E4 only has a few humorous quotes from the different shows and a over voice introducing the different shows featured on the channel.The way the shows are presented in the adverts on E4 with a lot of humour and bright colours suggests that it would be for teens and people in their early 20's.