Saturday 27 October 2012


'Comment is free but facts are sacred'

This quote shows that to newspapers facts are what they desire to make the newspaper valuable, without facts the newspaper has no real value to it.Comments can be made whenever by anyone,usually people who are not celebrities or to do with the hot news at the time.The type of facts a newspaper would want are comments or things said by people who are in the limelight of current stories such as parents of the child who has gone missing the things they say based on the whole story is what all newspapers will be after as it makes their newspaper valuable and more worth buying because it could be that maybe the other newspapers haven't got their hands on those facts yet.Having more facts will increase the number of people buying their magazine creating a larger profit which therefore benefits the newspaper company.

How do newspapers approach placing value on stories?
Newspapers can make stories worth more by getting their hands on the information first or some newspapers start scandalous rumors about an aspect of a story such as the daily express they accused the parents of Madeline McCann for her abduction,this creates more fuss around the story.The more outrageous the lie the ore the newspaper will sell. Sometimes they make stories value increase by using proximity. People are more likely to purchase a newspaper if it contains something that may effect them.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Evil dead II film review

This is a old 80's horror, the first part was known to be so graphically violent that it had been banned in several countries but if you watch it now it doesnt really match up to how gory some movies are now.

This is a continuation of the evil spirits causing terror on Ashleys life he is played by Bruce Campbell
in the first one he was terrified and always getting hurt or injured by the spirits whereas in this one he is much stronger and seems to have learnt from his mistakes and fends off the demons and very different from the first one his girlfriend becomes overtaken by a demon spirit who threatens his life. it is gory as some limbs are torn and blood is visible everywhere.

The part that i really wish i never saw was the part when he reads a verse from the evil dead book hoping it will restore his life but then a eye pops out from his shoulder which then leads onto another head identical to him growing out of his shoulder.

you can see the elements of bizzare gory parts that have been used in Shaun of the dead. Not much is related to Shaun of the dead as this mostly consists of demon spirits and Shaun of the dead is about zombie hordes.

Bruce Campbell from a scene in the Evil dead II

Intertexuality of genre

Every movie that is around has either been influenced by a book or a old movie from the past that has probably been forgotten or it is based on a book or just a remake of a old movie.

Shaun of the dead was influenced by an old show that Simon pegg and Nick frost shot the Spaced episode Art, it was very similar to the story line for shaun of the dead as they both consist of walking dead-zombies.Simon had been hallucinating that he was fighting off a zombie invasion. you can see elements of that thrown into Shaun of the dead as they do actually fight of zombies in it, he is definatley not hallucinating now.simon and edgar seem to be fans of George A. Romero's work on horror movies, he is a main influence to them.

Movies that influenced Edgar wright's Shaun of the dead:

  • Dawn of the dead (1978) directed by:George A. Romero
the name is similar aswell the first word is replaced with Shaun, in this particular movie zombies have risen from the dead, two SWAT team members, a traffic reporter, and his television-executive girlfriend seek refuge in a secluded shopping mall. you can see the similar elements of characters taken from this that have been used in Shaun of the dead. two main characters who are Simon and Nick, a few friends rather than one and a girlfriend who is his ex at the moment as throughout the movie he is trying to get her back.

  • Evil Dead II (1987)
  • 28 days later (2002)
  • An American Werewolf in London (1981)

I think that film makers use intertextuality to have something to build their movie off, they usually use a few elements from succesfull movies as they know if that is used their movie will be hit beaause the one they took it from was a hit e.g James camerons's Avatar is known to be influenced by Disney's pocahontos and Ferngully the last rainforest.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Shaun of the Dead Movie review

This is a movie that is made up if a good combination of romance and zombie horror comedy, this is a great movie to watch with family and friends as its scary as well as funny at the same time. Simon Pegg never fails to impress with his comedic scripts and entertaining acting.

in this particular movie he decides to go after his ex to try and get her back as his life at the moment is not really working well and the timing just is not right either as there is a zombie apocalypse has broken out. so this really is a great oppurtunity for him to prove to his ex that he is useful as she initially broke up with him as he didn't really show he is worthy. so throughout this movie he saves his friends and his ex proving he is worthy of being her boyfriend.

This movie is full of gore and guts at times it puts you off watching the rest as the zombies are reckless at killing they bite, tear out limbs and all sorts but what keeps you going is the fact that it is so humorous plus it keeps you on edge keeping you wondering whether Shaun will get his girlfriend back and save his friends including Ed who is played by Nick frost.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

film making techniques: Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead  is a British comedy directed and co-written by Edgar Wright, and co-written and starring Simon Pegg.

The film was inspired by various medias such as the Spaced episode Art that Simon Pegg was in he also contributed in writing the script, the character Tim (Pegg),is under the influence of amphetamine and the playstation 2 game resident evil 2 which also consists of fighting off zombies,he hallucinates that he's fighting off a zombie invasion. After discovering a appreciation for Romero's Dead trilogy, they decided to write their own zombie movie. 

The movie production was filmed in london , at Ealing Studios, and involved production companies Working title films and StudioCanal. Many exterior shots were filmed in and around the North London areas of Crouch EndMuswell hill and Finsbury park.
The scenes filmed in and around "The Winchester Pub" were shot at The Duke Of Albany in Monson Road.

In the movie there are scenes where long shot, mid shot and close up camera angles are used to create tension e.g. 

this is a long shot to create eeriness so we can see her complete posture it leaves audience on the edge.

mid shot to show both of their reactions and face expressions.

see her again but in a long shot over Shaun's shoulder, so we know that we are all looking at her together along with the characters.creating more tension for the audience as she hasnt turned around yet.

close up to show her face reaction as it is most definatley not a normal one to scare audience aswell.

over shoulder shot to show what is happenin to Shaun at the moment.

an oblique/canted angle used to show the impact its having on Shaun, hes been thrown down violently again keeping audience on the edge of their seats.

Saturday 6 October 2012

The daily express (typical story,intended audience,news values)

By looking at various front pages of theirs from throughout the year I’ve realised a pattern as some papers will have a headline that are to do with peoples health. The health problems they arise aren’t the normal colds and coughs you get but they are about serious health risks such as Dementia, Cancer, Heart attacks, Arthritis. From these few headlines you can see that the newspaper is intended for older people in their 40’s as they are the ones who are most likely to be diagnosed with these health risks. You also see them doing a lot of headlines about children, whether they’ve gone missing or been murdered you can tell they like to make people as well as parents worry about their children’s safety. This is mostly because of what they did with the Madeline case. They dedicated at least 100 pages to the missing Madeline story then somewhere along the line they began accusing the parents of being responsible for Madeline’s disappearance. This story backs up what Lord Beaverbrook said ‘the purpose of the newspaper was for propaganda and no other motive’.

You can tell the daily express have a positive view on the royal family as they have a front page dedicated to something positive the queen has done e.g. ‘bravery of our forgiving queen’. I've also picked out that they like to scare people with the weather, they make it more threatening to people than it really is.As well as telling us how bad the weather already is.

this is what was on the front page of one newspaper the way the picture is positioned and the chosen picture is clever as people would sometimes be drawn in by the picture as its someone famous, his hands are pointing upwards towards the main title making your attention go to that.

the daily express's news values are mostly negativity whether its to do with missing children,murder or heath risks, they will always have something negative to say about that topic or they will find a way to make it into something negative to cause a fuss just the way they did with the Madeline McCann case.whereas they will praise Britain on a whole,British athletes and the royal family making it obvious that they aren't very fond of 'immigrants' or people from Europe.

Mis en scene (representation,colours,pictures layout):
they usually always have a white background and large black writing for the main title sometimes in capitals depending on how important the story is important to them, along with a large main picture on the left or at the bottom OK magazine is being advertised as they are made from the same owner Richard Desmond.they usually do have advertising above the main headline near the masthead on every newspaper. they are always constantly giving away free things or making offers.
main colours used here are yellow,black,red and blue as they mostly stand out against the white ad the large black font writing used for the main headline.the papers look as though they have high production value as the pages aren't as cramped as other newspapers they don't have boxes in corners telling you what is inside as it seems as though they aren't bothered greatly whether people buy it or not as the company they are run by owns  a number of print media productions as well as TV channels.
Using the z reading what you see first at the top is the price, it is contantly telling you the price and the sentence is written in capitals aswell which makes you realise they are trying to make a point here this must be important as it is capitalised. 35p is on both sides left and right at the top.
They have used red quite often as product colours the maltesers box is a bright red and so is the mini cooper, they might have used red for the mini cooper aswell as peoples attention would go to the red maltesers box and then to the mini cooper as they think its red too are the two connected.

Daily express history

The Daily Express is a daily middle market newspaper in United Kingdom. It is the title of Express Newspapers. Daily Express was founded by Sir Arthur Pearson in 1900 . He sold the title and it was bought in 1916 by the future Lord Beaverbrook. It was one of the first papers known to have carried gossip, sports, and women's features, and the first newspaper in Britain to have a crossword.

"I run the paper for the purpose of making propaganda and with no other motive”
Lord Beaverbrook, former owner.

Beaverbrook was attacked in the House of Commons for running "a sustained vendetta" against the British Royal Family in the Express titles this is one of the things that has changed over the years as now the daily express sees the royal family in a positive light as they constantly have a front page praising the queen. The Duke of Edinburgh also described the Express as "a bloody awful newspaper. It is full of lies, scandal and imagination. It is a vicious paper”.news values:negativity,personality and proximity.

These comments show that Beaverbrook reached his goal for the purpose of the newspaper.
Express Newspapers was bought by Richard Desmond in 2000, publisher of various magazine titles including the celebrity magazine OK! . At the time, Desmond also owned several pornographic magazines such as Big Ones and Asian Babes. He is still currently the owner of the most popular pornographic television channel in the UK, Television X.