Saturday 6 October 2012

The daily express (typical story,intended audience,news values)

By looking at various front pages of theirs from throughout the year I’ve realised a pattern as some papers will have a headline that are to do with peoples health. The health problems they arise aren’t the normal colds and coughs you get but they are about serious health risks such as Dementia, Cancer, Heart attacks, Arthritis. From these few headlines you can see that the newspaper is intended for older people in their 40’s as they are the ones who are most likely to be diagnosed with these health risks. You also see them doing a lot of headlines about children, whether they’ve gone missing or been murdered you can tell they like to make people as well as parents worry about their children’s safety. This is mostly because of what they did with the Madeline case. They dedicated at least 100 pages to the missing Madeline story then somewhere along the line they began accusing the parents of being responsible for Madeline’s disappearance. This story backs up what Lord Beaverbrook said ‘the purpose of the newspaper was for propaganda and no other motive’.

You can tell the daily express have a positive view on the royal family as they have a front page dedicated to something positive the queen has done e.g. ‘bravery of our forgiving queen’. I've also picked out that they like to scare people with the weather, they make it more threatening to people than it really is.As well as telling us how bad the weather already is.

this is what was on the front page of one newspaper the way the picture is positioned and the chosen picture is clever as people would sometimes be drawn in by the picture as its someone famous, his hands are pointing upwards towards the main title making your attention go to that.

the daily express's news values are mostly negativity whether its to do with missing children,murder or heath risks, they will always have something negative to say about that topic or they will find a way to make it into something negative to cause a fuss just the way they did with the Madeline McCann case.whereas they will praise Britain on a whole,British athletes and the royal family making it obvious that they aren't very fond of 'immigrants' or people from Europe.

Mis en scene (representation,colours,pictures layout):
they usually always have a white background and large black writing for the main title sometimes in capitals depending on how important the story is important to them, along with a large main picture on the left or at the bottom OK magazine is being advertised as they are made from the same owner Richard Desmond.they usually do have advertising above the main headline near the masthead on every newspaper. they are always constantly giving away free things or making offers.
main colours used here are yellow,black,red and blue as they mostly stand out against the white ad the large black font writing used for the main headline.the papers look as though they have high production value as the pages aren't as cramped as other newspapers they don't have boxes in corners telling you what is inside as it seems as though they aren't bothered greatly whether people buy it or not as the company they are run by owns  a number of print media productions as well as TV channels.
Using the z reading what you see first at the top is the price, it is contantly telling you the price and the sentence is written in capitals aswell which makes you realise they are trying to make a point here this must be important as it is capitalised. 35p is on both sides left and right at the top.
They have used red quite often as product colours the maltesers box is a bright red and so is the mini cooper, they might have used red for the mini cooper aswell as peoples attention would go to the red maltesers box and then to the mini cooper as they think its red too are the two connected.

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