Wednesday 26 September 2012

News Value

  • Looking at the sunday telegraphs front page tells me that they care more about negativity, putting people in fear as the death of the british family in france is quite close to home, they also care about personality and currency as they mention the Olympics.

  • The sun is an obvious one as the main headline is almost taking up the whole page telling us that personality and focusing news on celebrities is what matters to them most.

  • The mail also have news value for personality aswell

  • The sunday times have most news value for negativity as they are portraying the murders of the family in france and proximity seems to matter aswell.Currency too seeing that they like to be up to date.
from this i can conclude that most newspapers always base the articles on negativity to make people worry and carry on buying the newspapers to find out more and more on a topic or two, they also base them on personality centering in on celebrities.

Film review of Get smart

Get smart:

Get Smart was released in 2008 an American action comedy based on 1960s spy parody television series of the same name. The film stars Steve Carell as Maxwell Smart also known as Agent 86 and Anne Hathaway as Agent 99. Steve Carell is well known for playing main roles in comedies such as little miss sunshine.
Agent 86 who is played by Steve Carell strives to be like his idol Agent 23 who is played by Dwayne Johnson, he is admired by everyone as he is a top agent in the company, what made this movie more humorous for me is the fact that Dwayne Johnson wouldn’t usually be found in a comedy movie as he’s always in action and adventure movies but that’s where they make it an action comedy.
Maxwell Smart works for a Government spy agency called CONTROL. When the agency's head office is attacked, by the company they’ve always been threatened by KAOS, the Chief decides to assign Maxwell as a spy giving him some confidence but the only reason he’s been assigned is because the best agent who is agent 23 is not around and partners him with Agent 99. The two set off to complete the mission and combat their attackers by first unexpectedly parachuting off an airplane and landing in Russian territory – the cause for this was because they were followed closely by an unusual looking man who is over seven foot tall, and looks like he has maybe worked out too much, he is known simply as Dalip. They encounter him a few times along the mission. Along the way Agent 99 does impress the audience as well as Max with her skills and gadgets.

They think they’ve got this under control until they come to learn that Siegfried the man behind the attack on head office was expecting them; making Max realise a double agent has compromised his and 99's identities. Max escapes captures and bombs the weapons factory. During their escape, the Duo are caught by Dalip but Max manages to persuade Dalip to spare their lives by giving him advice on how to repair his failing marriage, and as a result Dalip gives in and lets them escape.
The plot wasn’t as exciting the main reason it actually got rated 6 I think is mainly due to the loveable Steve Carell he definitely made this movie as I think without him it wouldn’t have been as good or as funny. You could say that without him it would have been a flop.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Action comedy Conventions

Sub genre I've chosen is action comedy:
the conventions of this would be that:

  • it would be a dangerous situation how it is in dramatic action movies
  • a mission waiting to be completed or needed to be completed either the consequence of it not being completed will be fatal.
  • outbreaks in windows,doors,houses.
  • weapons:guns,knives,swords,dangerous military weapons.
  • explosions and crashes.
  • futuristic or expensive cars and motorcycles.
  • fights.
  • jokes and gags.
  • sometimes during a fight there might be a slip up by the main character.
  • the main character doesn't fight his way out by sneaks his way out.
  • tries to act as cool as the main hero characters in action movies the fact that they are silly and always making mistakes will make it funny.
  • the rest of the characters usually don't have faith in the main character of completing the mission but in the end they do and end up proving them wrong.
  • they usually have a big weight on their shoulders.
  • main character is most likely to get the 'attractive' girl like action heroes leaving other characters in awe.
the genre is different as a whole as it has a totally different situation and use of props whereas many other comedies are all taken place in the hometown whereas a action comedy can get the character to travel around to places they are unfamiliar with as they are on a secret mission or have been sent there to carry out a mission,they can sometimes actually have some serious scenes which can be death of others close to the main character but in comedies characters don’t usually die they would be brought back to life miraculously leaving a happy ending.

Best examples of this genre:
  • Johnny English
  • Tropic thunder
  • Rush hour
  • Get smart
  • Hot fuzz
  • Lethal weapon
  • Ghost busters
  • Kickass
  • Police academy
  • The other guys

Sunday 23 September 2012

Comdey convetions

character types
  • Almost always two main characters the 'clever' one, the one who always leads the way and is more important than the other one who is usually the less intelligent one and listens and follows what the lead one says.
  • they sometimes don't have any sense,make silly mistakes.
  • socially awkward,don't get on with parents or have problems with others.
  • sarcastic,take risks,push others into doing things or are one of those people who get pushed into doing silly things by large crowds, victims to peer pressure.
  • regular people,accidents occur and spill over into bigger situations.
  • common places,in home town,well populated areas.
  • teen comedy:take place in high schools e.g 21 jump street
  • set somewhere the character is familiar with.
comedy movies usually are based around a dangerous situation or not so dangerous just has to be done under limited time and the outcome of them not completing it will affect them. jokes and gags will be very common along the way, sometimes something or someone will get attached to one character they would find it annoying and frightening but the audience will find it funny e.g in the comedy drama nacho libre one of the main characters has a scene where a woman chases him and tries to take him as she likes him,he is struck with fear whereas the audience will find that very humorous, so you can always expect something like that to happen to a character in a comedy film.

In the early days of the moving pictures everything was similar to a pie in the face, slip on a banana peel type humour.Then in the 30s you got the 'screwball comedies' which were more based on situation like most comedies today. the '60s brought in political humor. The 70's continued with more 'blue humor' and politicalhumor. The 80's brought in humor that was based around ages 15 to 24 i.e toilet humor involving nudity, drugs and swear words. This humor is still used today.humor that 10year olds also understand is used.

Ted film review

the creator of family guy is responsible for bringing the bad side of teddy bears out,he did that successfully with the comedy movie Ted.

It starts like any other 'normal' movie, it had me thinking at first this is the movie ted right?.
A little boy John Bennett's makes a wish that his teddy bear would come to life, a typical wish something every child wants.Then Ted miraculously comes to life and has been stuck by John's side ever since. everything was almost going good but then Lori, Johns girlfriend who hes been dating for four years comes into the picture and things get tougher. she wants Ted to step out of Johns life a bit as hes a bad influence on him and needs space,she feels like she isn't getting enough attention. so Ted gets his own place and of course a job. what they don't take seriously is that Ted's life is in danger as a man and his child want Ted....desperately. The rest is predictable when the two dodgy characters come into the picture.

At some parts the joke or intended humour is ridiculous because its either too pointless or just plain stupid as its a dirty joke gone far. never the less there were some parts that had you laughing a lot.
The reason John Bennett wished for his teddy bear to come to life when he was 8years old was because he was a lonely little kid,and hes used Ted throughout all his life to get through things without using a real person to lean on or look to for help, in a way this portrays some young peoples lives today. this is just showing how much easier life would be for those individuals if they had a teddy bear like Ted.

Advert comparison

1st Advert: Chanel no5
-shes on a expensive,luxurious train.
-its empty shes the only one there,so she is the center of attention.
-lighting is on her, 'spotlight'.
-black dress could symbolize danger, makes her mysterious.
-gazing out the window
-dressed elegantly
-giving the message that with this perfume you can be seen like this, the perfume s responsible for her looking elegant.
-looks as though its influenced by the animated movie anastacia.
-nude shoes could be showing the true identity of innocence

2nd Advert: Nina ricci
-snow white/adam and eve influence
-in a pink/white dress,which portrays her as pure,innocent.
-red apples,the one she wants is completly different to the apple she wants the ones on the floor are regular but the one hanging off the tree is unique.
-her expression is excited she is in awe whilst looking at the unique apple.
-the fact that there is a whole pile of apples in the corner she doesnt want them and is going for the one on the tree gives the idea that she is maybe spoilt and use to getting what she wants like verruca salt from charlie and the chocolate factory.
-shes in a trance,almost hypnotized by the perfume bottle.
-perfume bottle is hanging off a tree that has crystal leaves.
-red shoes they could be showing her true identity, dangerous

Monday 17 September 2012

The Lorax Film Review

The Lorax is an animated adventure which was originally an Dr Seuss book, but its been brought to life and definatley made its mark in the movie industry.

It starts with a simple young 12 year old boy named Ted voiced by Zac efron, we later learn that he will embark on a journey to retrieve what the girl of his dreams wants. she desires to have a real tree ad in this story real trees no longer exist, so ted then meets the mysterious Once-ler who is known to be the one who knows the story of what happend to the trees, he tells him and and as he tells him we see the story in flashbacks how a young boy decided to start a business by using the Trufalla trees to create Thneeds which can be used as almost anything. the lorax appears when the first tree is cut down as he is the sort of protector of the forest and its animals. he is voiced by Danny devito which is a great combination i think as he has played characters who are humorous and serious before such as Philatetees from the Disney animation Hercules.

This film has a hidden message to it, it is an example of what the world is today as every tree is chopped down in the movie and all the fuzzy creatures who lived there have to move as they no longer have homes making way for companies and homes which is what the majority of the world is like today. the way the main characters so desperately try to plant the last tree made me think maybe we shouldn't take nature for granted everyone should actually contribute to keeping it alive and preventing more forests being cut down.

film making terms/glossary

film making glossary!!

 antagonist: the villian in the script/movie, the one who has conflict with the savior or hero who is mainly the lead character.

art director: the one in charge of setting the scene,taking care of the props also being responsible for creating the design of the set this includes  furniture,windows,floors,ceilings along with other materials.

Dissolve: fading of a shot into another shot.

Pan: movement of the camera whether it turns right or left on a horizontal axis.

Actress: a woman who plays or performs in movies or plays

Aside: occurs when a character in a directly addresses the audience with a comment. E.g. Cadillac man, Robin Williams addresses the audience a few times.

 Background music: refers to music that accompanies a scene or action in a film, usually to create a specific mood or increase emotion.

Cast: a collective for all of the actors/performers appearing in a the film.

Composer: a musician who creates  the film's music/soundtrack sometimes it can be a conductor, or a lyricist.

 Costume design: refers to the clothing worn by actors in a film, a costume designers job is to create or buy clothing or garments that are suitable for the character usually to be appropriate to the film's time period, the characters, their location, and their occupations, whereas the costumer .

 crane shot: a camera shot taken from a crane so it can raise the camera up in the air above the ground 20 feet or more; the crane allows the camera to freely move easily in any direction, crane shots can also provide a overhead view of a scene.

day-for-night shot: a cinematographic technique which uses shots filmed during the day as a moonlit or night shot, they do this by using different lenses,filters,special lighting this was common during the 50s and in the 60s, but is rarely used in movies today.

 Dialogue: all spoken lines in a film by an actor/actress.

Double: refers to the person who takes a actor/actresses place for a dangerous or difficult stunt.

Extras: people who appears in a movie but with a unrecognized character role, they are mostly part of a crowd or background. They have no speaking role.

Foley artist: in the editing stage of a film's production, the Foley artist adds sound effects/noises such as gunshots, kisses, punches, loud noises, storm noises, explosions.