Monday 17 September 2012

film making terms/glossary

film making glossary!!

 antagonist: the villian in the script/movie, the one who has conflict with the savior or hero who is mainly the lead character.

art director: the one in charge of setting the scene,taking care of the props also being responsible for creating the design of the set this includes  furniture,windows,floors,ceilings along with other materials.

Dissolve: fading of a shot into another shot.

Pan: movement of the camera whether it turns right or left on a horizontal axis.

Actress: a woman who plays or performs in movies or plays

Aside: occurs when a character in a directly addresses the audience with a comment. E.g. Cadillac man, Robin Williams addresses the audience a few times.

 Background music: refers to music that accompanies a scene or action in a film, usually to create a specific mood or increase emotion.

Cast: a collective for all of the actors/performers appearing in a the film.

Composer: a musician who creates  the film's music/soundtrack sometimes it can be a conductor, or a lyricist.

 Costume design: refers to the clothing worn by actors in a film, a costume designers job is to create or buy clothing or garments that are suitable for the character usually to be appropriate to the film's time period, the characters, their location, and their occupations, whereas the costumer .

 crane shot: a camera shot taken from a crane so it can raise the camera up in the air above the ground 20 feet or more; the crane allows the camera to freely move easily in any direction, crane shots can also provide a overhead view of a scene.

day-for-night shot: a cinematographic technique which uses shots filmed during the day as a moonlit or night shot, they do this by using different lenses,filters,special lighting this was common during the 50s and in the 60s, but is rarely used in movies today.

 Dialogue: all spoken lines in a film by an actor/actress.

Double: refers to the person who takes a actor/actresses place for a dangerous or difficult stunt.

Extras: people who appears in a movie but with a unrecognized character role, they are mostly part of a crowd or background. They have no speaking role.

Foley artist: in the editing stage of a film's production, the Foley artist adds sound effects/noises such as gunshots, kisses, punches, loud noises, storm noises, explosions.

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