Wednesday 26 September 2012

News Value

  • Looking at the sunday telegraphs front page tells me that they care more about negativity, putting people in fear as the death of the british family in france is quite close to home, they also care about personality and currency as they mention the Olympics.

  • The sun is an obvious one as the main headline is almost taking up the whole page telling us that personality and focusing news on celebrities is what matters to them most.

  • The mail also have news value for personality aswell

  • The sunday times have most news value for negativity as they are portraying the murders of the family in france and proximity seems to matter aswell.Currency too seeing that they like to be up to date.
from this i can conclude that most newspapers always base the articles on negativity to make people worry and carry on buying the newspapers to find out more and more on a topic or two, they also base them on personality centering in on celebrities.

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