Sunday 23 September 2012

Advert comparison

1st Advert: Chanel no5
-shes on a expensive,luxurious train.
-its empty shes the only one there,so she is the center of attention.
-lighting is on her, 'spotlight'.
-black dress could symbolize danger, makes her mysterious.
-gazing out the window
-dressed elegantly
-giving the message that with this perfume you can be seen like this, the perfume s responsible for her looking elegant.
-looks as though its influenced by the animated movie anastacia.
-nude shoes could be showing the true identity of innocence

2nd Advert: Nina ricci
-snow white/adam and eve influence
-in a pink/white dress,which portrays her as pure,innocent.
-red apples,the one she wants is completly different to the apple she wants the ones on the floor are regular but the one hanging off the tree is unique.
-her expression is excited she is in awe whilst looking at the unique apple.
-the fact that there is a whole pile of apples in the corner she doesnt want them and is going for the one on the tree gives the idea that she is maybe spoilt and use to getting what she wants like verruca salt from charlie and the chocolate factory.
-shes in a trance,almost hypnotized by the perfume bottle.
-perfume bottle is hanging off a tree that has crystal leaves.
-red shoes they could be showing her true identity, dangerous

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