Friday 15 March 2013

User Generated Content for my case study

User generated content on Twitter for movies in my case study.For 21 Jump Street there are two accounts for 21JumpStreet quotes. One unnofficial movie account which was made before the release of the movie, so that fan must have been really dedicated and anticipated for the movie to come out they decided  to promote it a little and create a buzz around it on twitter gathering 420 followers.
Numerous Facebook pages have been created for the movie by fans who constantly post pictures of shots from the movie, along with quotes from that scene in the picture or just a random quote from a part of the movie.There are also alot of Tumblr pages dedicated to 21 Jump Street, with images and gifs of scenes from the movie aswell as pictures of the main lead title actors in their career over the years.A fan would do this for a movie because they are a fan of the actors featured in the movie therefore the U&G is personal identity.Through somewhat obsessing with a character/actor you will begin to learn a lot more about them building your personal identity.

500 Days Of Summer

 This movie also has a few Twitter pages such as a quotes page and a official page.There are also various accounts of people who have named their accounts as 500 days of summer.This would be from watching and having a positive opinion on the movie.There are alot of Facebook pages made for this movie, either just to say they like the movie or to post numerous quotes from the movie and other post pictures for the movie.Alot of Tumblr pages with gifs and images from the movie aswella s quotes.Some fanart included.

It is difficult to find user generated content for this movie as it only appears on Facebook as Paul the movie.It has numerous pages which constantly post pictures and shots from the movie with quotes from the movie.When searching on twitter for any user generated content to do with this movie, i couldnt find anything for it.Also couldnt find any pages that were made for it before its release the way i found an account on twitter made before the release for 21Jump Street.There are also a few Tumblr pages dedicated to the move, they consist of gifs and images from the movie along with quotes.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

500 Days of summer teaser poster

This poster uses the same elements that have been used in the previous poster some of these elements have been used in the trailers. we see alot of synergy within the products of the three platforms already, emedia, print and broadcast.They use the same style of presentation continuously, the colours are used in most products.The light blue and white is seen frequently throughout products on all platforms.The way the characters are presented using square and rectangle photographic looking shots of the main characters.In this poster we have the photographic looking pictures here again but with both charactes in most of the shots.This is because it is a teaser trailer and they are introducing the main chatracters of the movie to the audiences because if it only consisted of Zooey deschanel in the shots then people would assume that she is the only character who plays the lead role title,but this teaser poster defines for the audience that Joseph Gordon Levitt is one of the characters who takes a lead role in the movie aswell.

This poster has the main important writing in light blue, which makes it stand out and fit in with the colour scheme going on in this poster.the light blue also stands out more on a white background which is his T-shirt.The light colours would have been used within the platforms as it links with the movie title of summer.White and light blue do connect to teh sumemry mood and theme.The first sentence we see is a review which seems to be a very positive review.The poster would need a review and star rating like that as it would help draw in audiences and as some people would not be able to tell the genre of the movie.The review quote makes it clear that is a romance movie.The fact that it says it is ''The coolest romantic comedy of the year!'', will definatley draw in audiences who enjoy watching romance movies, to see whether this movie lives up to its quote.

A few of the picture shots used on the teaser poster have been used on all three platforms which again creates synergy a connection between products.The fact that we always have Joseph Gordon Levitt on the outside of the picture shots as well as within them would help audiences realise that he would be one of the main characters within the movie and the one who is probably the most love struck because he seems to be always gazing at the pictures.He keeps them as a memory throughout their relationship or the movie.

Monday 11 March 2013

MEST1 june 2011


The techniques used to compress a persons life into 60 seconds are things such as creating the ad to look like one whole shot, where when the camera slides to the left and the right showing different ages it seems as though it has all been shot at once.The situations shown in every age shot is fast and not slow.It is straight to the point of what is happening as when she walks into the door after her first kiss she is in a white wedding dress and the man is dressed smartly in a suit.We understand it is her wedding as she is the one holding the bouqet.The use of showing situations in life that have an impact on someone aswell as casual days is what sums up someones life.You have those really speacial moments you will remember forever but then you have those tiring days you want to sleep away.The tiring day is seen when it seems as though the woman has come back from work and everyone is sitting on the sofa.Moments that have an impact on someone and change peoples lives are things such as starting a family having kids,watching your kids grow up and have kids of their own.Thats what shows life is really moving forward everything is changing.The long shots are used to make the audience absorb the atmosphere in faster rather than closeups which would take time on expressions and focusing on once thing.That is why long and mid shots are used as the story is moving pretty fast.

Brand values
John lewis has everything you need and for any occassion. This is because it shows all the stages throughout her life,and she has a different outfit on and John lewis does supply outfits so it shows that for everything there is an outfit at John lewis.Baby wear,Infant clothing,School clothing for children,Wedding dresses,casual teen clothes,business/work clothes it also has clothes for people who are really old this is portrayed through the characters being grandparents.It shows that John lewis can supply women for a lifetime and keep them happy, once a woman realises that John lewis is capable of being there with the things they need they may even begin to shop there for the whole family as John lewis is a shop that provides for the whole family.The fact that the clothes on the woman are worn throughout a lifetime means John lewis must be a trusted brand meaning it has gone through successfully statisfying customers over generations.As the woman is shown in various stages of age and she has clothes which seem to be from John lewis, this may be what shows that John lewis is a family supplying company.Clothes for all ages.I think the colour red which is constantly used on the woman from a very young age to an old age may try to communicate that John lewis brands believe you can still dress with style when you are old.Who says you have to dress up in old vintage granny clothes.Everything is constantly changing throughout the advert which could mean that John lewis will always be there with whatever you would need throughout life because you change and they dont.
The tagline at the end 'Our lifelong commitment to you' reflects on the woman in this advert as she has made a lifelong commitment to John lewis aswell.This means if you intend on making a commitment to John lewis they wont be the ones to let you down.

Media Representations
A womans life in this advert is shown as very busy.She would recieve very little time for herself and maybe when she can treats herself to John lewis clothing.Which she wears throughout the whole advert which is her whole life.It shows that clothes mean alot to women as in this advert the woman carefully selects her clothing from John lewis.The woman wears red coloured clothing throughout the advert which could mean that women are daring and take risks.She is also in every shot which means women mean alot and hold the family together,they provide for the family this is seen when she looks like a woman in her 50's and take a jug of lemondae outisde.She is providing for the family and guests around her.They are what guide other women into life this is seen from the part when her daughter is baking a cake and flour spills everywhere whilst she is standing next to her on the phone.Women are the domestic ones, this is seen in a more traditional society that women are likely to be the ones who stay at home and do the cooking and cleaning whilst men go out and work to provide.However this is not the case here as in earlier seconds we see the woman return tired in the evening from what would seem like work because of the casual clothing she has on, so it is showing the felxible tiring roles women aquire throughout different stages of life.

Media Audiences
The advert shows women they can look fabulous in John lewis clothing whilst doing any type of job as John lewis is the shop which is likely to have anything you want in any colour for all ages.It shows women the stages that every woman is likely to go through.The happiness they would feel on their wedding day,Whilst they are pregnant and etc.Because it shows everything so fast it would maybe make some female audiences realise how fast their life has gone by or that theya re midway through life and life has gone by so fast.This U&G would be information, the message that John lewis is trying to pass through this advert to female viewers of all ages who would be capable to go shop.Some people may even have identification with some of the characters featured in the advertisement as some women may be at the stage of getting married therefore they would identify themselevs with the young woman at her marriage stage in her wedding dress.That would create ideas for the woman to look in John lewis for a wedding ceremonial dress.That would offer excitment to the audience as everyone finds their wedding to be a very exciting moment in life.It may offer gratitude as people would who are familiar with John lewis are thankful for the shop to have been around for a great number of years.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

New Technologies and Film Fiction

New Technologies and Film Fiction

The amazing high definition quality of blu-rays attracts audiences.You can see the movie in a more realistic view, in enriched colours.Rather than watching the DVD which consists of dark colours.
Audiences who enjoy watching movies alot with realistic features would enjoy Blurays as it brings the movie to life because of the enriched colours.
Bluray releases are benficial to producers as bluray has become quite common,people are movre interested in watching things in HD because most pieces of broadcast are now seen in HD quality,includin Sky Tv.
3D adds more entertainment to the movie the audience is likely to be drawn in and not distracted by the enviroment they are in because they enviroment would be the setting of the movie they are currently watching due to the amazing 3D features.It makes you feel part of the movie more.
Audieces would enjoy the experience of 3D because they feel they are within the movie and part of a movie.Some audiences would maybe even enjoy it for personal identity,having their faverouite actor or actress out in 3D beside them has the ability to satisfy and fascinate them.The producers decided to release the behind the scenes footage for Avatar to help people become familair with the charcters, as the characters are featured alot throughout this.They show the human and the Avatar at the same time to again make sure its not all too much for audiences, it makes it easier for them to get their heads round the appearance of the new characters.This was also released for anticipated fans, which brings us to U&G this particular one would be entertainment and personal identity.Audiences can be big fans of the directors work or the actors in the movie.
Viral marketing is getting audiences to promote and spread word about a product.The effect of viral marketing on audiences can be seen on the internet, sources of information given out by companies or producers rely heavily on audiences to be spread around the internet.The tribewired group would be attracted to viral marketing as they are the nerdy type, to be seen on devices with wifi the majority of the time, so they are likely to spread it or see it.Viral marketing was chosen to get people involved as activities like that gets other people who may not be fans to find out why it is so famous and liked by the majority of people

practise question

How and why do producers use synergy between products both secondary products and primary products of the same genre to attract audience?

Using synergy between products such as the trailer and poster makes it much easier for audiences to recongise the movie.As the same elements are used such as the taglines, the tagline for Argo the movie was fake the mission was real, this is seen continuously in the trailer and on the poster.We also constantly see things from the poster in the trailer such as 'from the director of the Town' this would then attract the same kinds of audeince for that particular movie.Creating a larger fanbase for the movie itself.

The colours used in the posters are negative colours,dull colours not as bright.They dont create a positive atmosphere,hinting the genre of this movie as Argo has a negative effect to the pictures,Lincoln is black and white, and Silver linings is the same with just a hint of colour which is the yellow.These make a mark as to what these colours represent genre-wise.As these movies all consist of drama and overcoming things, or fighting for something.This draws out the seriousness, the other thing that draws out the seriousness is the fact that all posters consist of the main actors faces. So there has been close ups used.These are usually used when the producer or director wants the audience to focus on the thing they have done a close up on.Their faces mean something,it could be the expression that creates a message for the audience.The facial expression is important as if they were smiling then no one would think it is a dramatic historical movie.

These posters and trailers try to create a realism effect to the audience, by repeating serious taglines and using lines such as 'based on a true story'.

Synergy between products makes a movie easier for audiences to identify, the tagline could be something that makes them identify each product.Names of actors are present at times on both posters and trailers as the actor would be the one drawing audiences and helping people recongise the movie, such as Argo Ben affelecks name is used continuously because he is very recongisable.