Friday 15 March 2013

User Generated Content for my case study

User generated content on Twitter for movies in my case study.For 21 Jump Street there are two accounts for 21JumpStreet quotes. One unnofficial movie account which was made before the release of the movie, so that fan must have been really dedicated and anticipated for the movie to come out they decided  to promote it a little and create a buzz around it on twitter gathering 420 followers.
Numerous Facebook pages have been created for the movie by fans who constantly post pictures of shots from the movie, along with quotes from that scene in the picture or just a random quote from a part of the movie.There are also alot of Tumblr pages dedicated to 21 Jump Street, with images and gifs of scenes from the movie aswell as pictures of the main lead title actors in their career over the years.A fan would do this for a movie because they are a fan of the actors featured in the movie therefore the U&G is personal identity.Through somewhat obsessing with a character/actor you will begin to learn a lot more about them building your personal identity.

500 Days Of Summer

 This movie also has a few Twitter pages such as a quotes page and a official page.There are also various accounts of people who have named their accounts as 500 days of summer.This would be from watching and having a positive opinion on the movie.There are alot of Facebook pages made for this movie, either just to say they like the movie or to post numerous quotes from the movie and other post pictures for the movie.Alot of Tumblr pages with gifs and images from the movie aswella s quotes.Some fanart included.

It is difficult to find user generated content for this movie as it only appears on Facebook as Paul the movie.It has numerous pages which constantly post pictures and shots from the movie with quotes from the movie.When searching on twitter for any user generated content to do with this movie, i couldnt find anything for it.Also couldnt find any pages that were made for it before its release the way i found an account on twitter made before the release for 21Jump Street.There are also a few Tumblr pages dedicated to the move, they consist of gifs and images from the movie along with quotes.

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