Tuesday 5 March 2013

practise question

How and why do producers use synergy between products both secondary products and primary products of the same genre to attract audience?

Using synergy between products such as the trailer and poster makes it much easier for audiences to recongise the movie.As the same elements are used such as the taglines, the tagline for Argo the movie was fake the mission was real, this is seen continuously in the trailer and on the poster.We also constantly see things from the poster in the trailer such as 'from the director of the Town' this would then attract the same kinds of audeince for that particular movie.Creating a larger fanbase for the movie itself.

The colours used in the posters are negative colours,dull colours not as bright.They dont create a positive atmosphere,hinting the genre of this movie as Argo has a negative effect to the pictures,Lincoln is black and white, and Silver linings is the same with just a hint of colour which is the yellow.These make a mark as to what these colours represent genre-wise.As these movies all consist of drama and overcoming things, or fighting for something.This draws out the seriousness, the other thing that draws out the seriousness is the fact that all posters consist of the main actors faces. So there has been close ups used.These are usually used when the producer or director wants the audience to focus on the thing they have done a close up on.Their faces mean something,it could be the expression that creates a message for the audience.The facial expression is important as if they were smiling then no one would think it is a dramatic historical movie.

These posters and trailers try to create a realism effect to the audience, by repeating serious taglines and using lines such as 'based on a true story'.

Synergy between products makes a movie easier for audiences to identify, the tagline could be something that makes them identify each product.Names of actors are present at times on both posters and trailers as the actor would be the one drawing audiences and helping people recongise the movie, such as Argo Ben affelecks name is used continuously because he is very recongisable.

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