Tuesday 30 April 2013


BBC three station ident
This particular ident is very colouful which gives the impression that it is a fun channel.Most likely to be for families due to the vibrant colours hinting towards all ages including children.This is because children and young teens are attracted to vibrant colours.The 'three' looks as though it is a multi coloured straw wrapped around a tree branch.Children like straws more than you would think, and the fact that they used a straw like thing is a very clever way of attracting younger audiences.The other thing that hints out that this may be a channel inteneded all age audiences is that they have also used headphones in a clever way.Having them wrapped around the branch like the stems of the flowers is very creative.Above the 'three' you have the original BBC logo to define exactly what channel this is because the ident is very different from the other channels.The little human characters that are hanging from the strings almost represent a family because we have all shapes,sizes and ages.This may also hint towards the type of audience the channel is intended for.The birds are trying to catch the humans as though they are worms.Looking at the background you can see mountains, the whole situation would make you think that this is fantasy tale.Which could hint out the kind of movies and shows this channel plays.This reflects the institution as a fun and creative institution.Bursting with life and new ideas because of how creative and colourful this ident is.The fact that this channel actually has shows like eastenders and torchwood would suggest that it is directed at teens and people in early 30's.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to re-think your analysis. Is this channel really for children? Bright colours don't automatically equal for kids. Think about the kids of shows on this channel.
