Sunday 7 April 2013

Broadcast Changes

There have been many changes in techonology on the platform of broadcast.Some have made drastic changes to the industries such as IMAX cameras and HD cameras.These cameras are new and are more frequently used during filming of movies now.This is because almost every movie released in the last two years has been released in IMAX aswell.Now that IMAX is seen around more frequently it is becoming the ''trend'' and something that can create more profit as it allows audiences to experience the movie in a whole new light.IMAX increases the visual look of the scene and the sound system.The increase of HD and the fact that it is more entertaining rather than watching the movie without the 3D features.
The HD cameras bring more vibrant colours to the pictures, this links in with the HD tv's.To increase the vibrant colours and increase entertainment of audiences.It excites audiences when something new that would change the way they can consume broadcast is released.These changes are usually made to movies to make the whole experience of the movie more real.The more real it is the more chance there is of them getting more amounts of audiences consuming their products.CGI and speacial effects have been trying to improve over the years to make something look more realistic, because watching something that has not got features that look real will ruin the experience for people watching the movie.If i was watching a movie that did not have effects that made everything look realistic and as though it is actually there then i wouldnt carry on watching it.As it has ruined the experience for me.

George Lucas' Industrial light and magic company is one of the most well known companies for CGI has been around for 35years making the best visual effects movies.The visual effects looked very real in the movie Jumanji which was released in 1995, not forgetting the Lion that is seen in a few clips was also made using CGI. Industrial Light & Magic created the first computer generated photo-realistic hair and fur for the digital lion and monkeys in Jumanji. This movie also featured a stampede scene with dozens of elephants, rhinos, zebras and pelicans, all computer generated.They also used a costume of the lion on some parts to make it look more real this is known as Animatronics.
New GPU (graphics processing unit) Computers coming into effects, it is making CGI far easier to do, with less skill.

More and more ways to make visual effects seem more real and vibrant are being discovered.The last biggest revolution of effects that i can remember is the way the movie Avatar was made.The characters were not made from scratch on computers.But were aided with the help of the actors and actresses outlines, muscles and facial expressions.Thats how the Avatars seemed very real because they used humans and computers.The use of humans brings out the correct proportions,expresions, movements etc. The computers were used to design their looks but it is their acting.They put the actors in suits so they cold create a skeleton of them on the computers to help them in the making of the movie.

Cine kodak was one of the first 16mm cameras, this was also used by the famous Ray harryhausen, who is known to be the visual effects creator.He created movies that featured mythical creatures such as dinosaurs and old tales such as Hercules.He actually created little models of the creatures and filmed then using a technique called "split-screen" (rear projection on overlapping miniature screens) to insert dinosaurs and other creatures into real-world backgrounds. The result was one of the most influential sci-fi films of the 1950s.The way the creatures were put into the movie was without creating it on a computer which meant that these types of creatures had more texture to them and more of a realistic look to them.When they were seen on screen at the same time with humans, you could tell more that it was fake but never the less the creature itself looked more real.There was then the blue screen and green screen.Green screen is more frequently used, a computer is used to put an image on everything that is green.That is how someone is made invisible in movies such as Harry potter when he uses the invisiblity cloak, he is hidden by the green screen material.If a character wears clothing of the same type of green that can also be pixelated into something.

The avengers made most o ftheir surroundings using blue and green screen.So some shots were actually just computer generated environments rather than real life areas.The palce where the final battle takes place was all made up using a blue and green screen. The broken floor with rubble,taxis and little explosions were the only real things in that scene.CGI today can fool people easily.

The technology behind animatronics has become more advanced over the years, making the puppets even more realistic and lifelike.Animatronics is used in situations where a creature does not exist.The puppet is covered with body shells and flexible skins made of hard and soft plastic materials. It is then finished by adding details like colors, hair and feathers and other components to make the figure more realistic.
Animatronics are used in Jurassic park that is why the dinosaurs look so realistic and lifelike.
Actress Ariana richards said ''The fact that the movie is still visually impressive certainly helps. In another interview, special effects artist Dennis Muren said, “I always thought when we did [Jurassic Park] that within five or 10 years it was going to look old-fashioned and obsolete, but it doesn’t.That is one reason as to why it was so successful and is still rememberd.because it looks so real, it has the ability to thrill new and old audiences.

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