Friday 26 April 2013

Question for changes in broadcast

Question: How have the technological changes that have occurred on this platform over the last ten to twenty year affected audiences views about this platform and changed the way in which they consume products from this platform? Outline what you think the future of this platform will look like- include a comparision with the other two platforms.

Audiences believe that the changes that have created revolutions to visual effects on the broadcast platforms, are likely to keep improving and thrilling audiences.Changes such as the technology used in James camerons Avatar has revolutionised visual effects.There is now a new way of having very realistic creatures and objects on screen rather than things that you can tell have been made using CGI just by looking at them. Majority of films today look more realistic which means that audiences have familiarized themselves with movies that look realistic rather than movies where you can tell they have obviously been computer generated.The fact that film makers create movies and scenes that are so realistic audiences would expect to see that all the time now.That is one of the things a movie is judged on aswell.Visual effects now mean so much to people.Audiences would probably even want to see improvements in some areas of the technology used on some scenes/objects this would be because audiences would be use to film makers and industries constantly coming out with new ways to make the whole experience of watching a movie better.If audiences were to watch a movie now that had visual effects the way ray harry hausen movies do, then they would be more than disappointed.Most likely everyone would be, even film critics so film makers also need to keep up with everyone to make sure they produce something that pleases audiences and satisfies critics and creates profit.Audiences are excited to notice whether the effects have worked well enough and hidden the fact that the actual object/scene they were looking at was not really shot but is in actual fact computer generated, in short fake.
I know that visual effects do mean alot and have to be up to standards because movies are nominated for the best visual effects aswell as production companies dedicating alot of time to producing one character or object such as the tiger from the film 'Life of Pi'.This is purely to impress audiences and thrill them.A movie without the magic of CGI would not be worth watching.

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