Tuesday 27 November 2012

How 'behind the scenes' are used to entice audience?

The hobbit countdown to release:
We learn that this is telling us how many people were involved in the making of this movie.8 studio buildings used for the hobbit whereas the lord of the rings only used 1 studio building.Alot of departments in the movie making, a big movie production.Huge amount of workers.Animation and speacial effects were the things that were worked on the most and main focus was on them. They tried their best to create it perfectly always adding bits into the green background.We also learnt that they worked at a very fast pace as they showed when a torture device was required they made it under a number of minutes.

This material offers the audience more information on exactly how certain scenes were made and effects such as sound effects.It also lets you know what each department went through throughout the weeks coming to the premiere.Shows that the whole crew is dedicated to the movie as many of them slept in the studio.Audiences will feel that so much has been put into this movie that it is bound to be good or even better than what they would expect.

The audience would watch something like this for information, to see how the movie and certain scenes were produced.For entertainment as the movie is not yet released, it has also been produced in a entertaining way including humour.can also be watched for personal identity as many people will like the way the director peter jackson works therefore they watch every piece of film he produces. 

Star trek
They show how hard they tried to make the movie real, using real settings rather than created artificial sets. you realise how hard they tried to make it look so real with the lighting 'flairs',cameras and use of real settings. for a sci fi movie it is very naturally made.

Offers the target audience to discover how certain scenes and speacial effects were created. They let you in on little tricks they used such as the one where spock gets into the elevator to go onto another floor, he really was already on that floor but they used a green screen behind him to make it look as though he wasnt.Audiences would watch this for personal identity as it is only available on the dvd so it is clear they really enjoy and like this movie so they are bound to want to know how it was created.

Friday 23 November 2012

Avengers official site analysis

Straight away we see a large amount of the colour blue being used. blue is almost the main colour theme here as the background image looks as though it has been contrasted to include more blue i can tell they may have done this as the buildings in the background image are more blue than they would usually blue. i think this technique has been used to make the focus more on the avenger characters that have been placed in that setting such as Captain America and hulk as they are not much blue they stand out more drawing audiences attention to them.
At the top of the webpage we ave a red rectangl that says marvel. this is the marvel logo.showing clearly who owns the avengers.
The title avengers assemble is below the marvel logo.next to it is the facebook and youtube logo when you click on them they take you to the official pages where you can recieve more information on the avengers, such as the movies release date.
it also says 'out now on blue ray and DVD' that is one of the first things you see when you come onto the site along with the title being the first thing your eyes are drawn to. that there promotes the movie it will get you audiences to buy the DVD or blu ray. the characters are spread around the background of the page as seeing the characters in their actual battle costumes is something a lot of audiences will want to see.Iron man is in his fighting position whereas all the other characters are just standing there in the sort of position they would after a battle wary looks on their faces as though they are looking out for more danger.Iron man may have been posed like that to show the capability of his suit as the middle of his hand is lit.the 4 main characters have been used.this type of background has been used as it is showing a scene of action, showing the explosions coming from the building, cars turned over. ensuring audiences that this movie is completely action packed as cities will be coming apart.
the menu is straight forward horizontal. when you hover the mouse over the subheadings of the menu they change to the colour red showing that you are able to interact with them. the homepage consists of a short synopsis of the movie along with the starring actors names. just below the main title and menu is a square box which shares a scene or two from the movie which contain many memorable quotes along with trailers and feauturette clips. this has been put here for fans to see and consume extra information on the movie.one of the sites menus that is called 'sign up' is one which allows you to sign up if you want to receive more information from marvel about avengers or any other upcoming project they would be working on.
The overall theme of the site suggests that the target audience of this movie is the gender male as there are many male elements have been used that show this. The use of action scene background,the 4 main male characters that some males may strive to be.the colour scheme here are dark colours such as dark blue,black,silver and red. these colours are the main colours that are featured on the characters costumes.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Scott pilgrim vs the world


  • Slow edits
  • Slow music not as upbeat creating calm atmosphere
  • Mid shots,long shots,close ups used to set the scene
  • This section begins when the universal logo appears
  • Music speeds up a little
  • More diagetic sound
  • The plot unravels
  • Mid shots and close ups on main characters
  • This begins when the inter title comes in the inter title that says 'from the directors of hot fuzz'
  • Music speeds up even more and gets a little louder
  • Another inter title that says 'this summer'
  • More action scenes shown
  • Faster edits
  • Last inter title that says 'coming soon'


Poster and trailer similarities of Scott pilgrim 

  • Same guy, the main character is used from the trailer as the main image on the poster.
  • He is playing guitar, he also plays it in the trailer
  • The name scott pilgrim is used, this is also used in the trailer
  • Looks passionate about the guitar as he is concentrating on it in the poster, we already know from the trailer he plays it often.
  • Similar colour scheme
  • Same clothes are worn in poster and trailer

Scott pilgrim movie opening (first 15mins)

  • Begins with universal logo matches the logo that came up in the trailer.
  • At the end of the trailer it was like a video game and in the start of the movie the universal logo turns into a videogame type logo.
  • Mid shots,close ups on characters
  • Playing same guitar in poster and trailer in the movie aswell
  • Writing comes up when the singer of his band sings, words come up the way they came up in the trailer every time someone got hit such as 'pow' very comic book style.
  • The wavy lines come from the drums and the guitars the way it is happening in the poster aswell.
  • Split screen the way it was split in the start of the trailer.
  • Comic book written style 'Brrr' similar to the writing in the trailer.
  • Characters from the trailer.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Django Unchained Trailer

1st section: Establishing
  • Logo of instituition
  • Logo of columbia
  • Used lots of midshots and longshots, no specific close up or focus.
  • Establishing shots to the scene. This particular one shows it is set in the american west. A time where slavery was not yet abolished as you can see that a group of black men are chained being taken around by white men on horses.
  • Slow edits
  • Not much diagetic sound.
  • Old american folk song
2nd section: Contextualised
  • It moves onto the next section when the intertitle comes up. this says 'The new film by Queintin tarintino' this provides a break and moves the trailer onto the next section.
  • Fast edits
  • More diagetic sound explaining plot.
  • Plot elements
  • Uses quotable clips
  • Funky music
3rd section: Anticipation
  • More intertitles giving more of the film away.
  • Much faster edits to excite audience
  • More close up shots showing main characters clearly.
  • Plot is revealed.
  • A few seconds after all the fast edits where it comes to a slow edit, there is only diagetic sound where a man in the bar asks him 'whats your name?' he replies 'django..the D is silent'. this is a memorable quote of the movie an easy way to remember the movie aswell for when it is released.
  • Release dates
  • Actors names

Enigma Code

what is an enigma code?
In an opening sene filmmakers sometimes create a question for the audience. They do this by making the main character or a certain object a mystery to the audience by not revelaing their face or the full purpose of the object,doing this will make the audience question themselves such as what is he doing? or who could this man be?.This technique is called the Enigma code. it is sometimes compared to a cliff hanger as a cliff hanger leaves the audience questioning what would happen next.

an enigma code example could be the opening scene of indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark as they dont show the main characters face until he is about to be attacked. as you dont see him fully it keeps you guessing who it could be beacause they dont show the characters face they show him using mid shots, long shots aswell as a close up for his hands.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

indiana jones poster

indiana jones and the last crusade
The whole overall look of the poster creates a desert atmosphere and gives you an idea of this movie taking place in the desert, a place like eygpt as the colours surrounding them are sandy brown and there is a use of bricks, almost looks as though it is an ancient building that they have used as a frame. To kind of set the scene to the audiences.
the sizes of alll the images used are very important here as the larger the image the more important that character is for example Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones's image is the largest here mainly because he is the main character second largest is the older man next to him who we find out after watching the movie is his father. We also guess that it may be his father of grandfather as the tagline is 'have the adventure of your life keeping up with the joneses'
that tagline will draw audiences in more as it is claiming that this movie is action packed, infact it is so action packed that you wont be able to handle it or keep up with the amazing adventourous things they go through. this appeals to a large variety of audiences such as fun/atics as it is action packed and looking at this poster just below the main image you can see him gallopng away on a horse as though he is running away from danger followed behind by a aeroplane which is rather close to the horse. that proves that this movie is action packed and very adventourous as you dont get people running away on a horse from an aeroplane everyday. definatley appeals to rugged traditionalist as indiana is a man that most men would strive to be a charming hero who takes alot of risks. this seems like it would appeal to a family audience aswell as indiana's father is on the adventure aswell and seeing as he is quite an oldman there is bound to be family relevance.

Monday 5 November 2012

Film advertising

The Avengers
the promotional website where you can get all the information you need regarding the avengers

 all the heroes together in a very action packed scene as you can see explosions going off in one corner and a car set on fire. really giving the message that this movie is going to be full of action and nothing but amazing action.
you can only see half the face of each hero and on both sides they have different identities giving you the idea that this isnt just any old movie this is a fantasy genre movie and the fact that its taken above earth gives you the hint that maybe there are elements to do with space involved in the whole movie

Indiana Jones

Sound:Not much Diagetic sound at the start of the movie, but there is a large amount of non Diagetic i think it is used the most mainly to set the scene of what this adventure is going to be like and jungle sound effects are used to set the atmosphere. the music pitch changes from high to low throughout this is depending on how close the danger is for example when the man tries to reach for his gun the music intensifies and reaches the loudest point when he turns around and hits it away with his whip. jungle sounds are constant throughout this gives a hint that the dialogue around now wont be as important as the message being given with the music which was that they are in another country, not somewhere you would usually go.
Edits: The main characters silhouette is visible you only really see his face when his companion betrays him and tries to attack him as he turns around and is only then really involved in the shot.the silhouette is used to create mystery of his personal identity it singles him out from everyone and makes the audience straight away realise that he is the main character as the attention given to him and the way he is portrayed at the start is different from the way the others have been portrayed.tracker camera is used to show the group of people and the scene.they have also used mid shot to show a dangerous atmosphere and long shot.
music: tribal drumming, tells us that where they are at the moment the country is not their normal environment.

the types of audiences that would enjoy a movie like this would be rugged traditionalists as it is full of action and the main character is the good looking, courageous man that everyman would try to be like.
fun/atics would also enjoy this movie as it is action packed and adventurous