Tuesday 13 November 2012

Django Unchained Trailer

1st section: Establishing
  • Logo of instituition
  • Logo of columbia
  • Used lots of midshots and longshots, no specific close up or focus.
  • Establishing shots to the scene. This particular one shows it is set in the american west. A time where slavery was not yet abolished as you can see that a group of black men are chained being taken around by white men on horses.
  • Slow edits
  • Not much diagetic sound.
  • Old american folk song
2nd section: Contextualised
  • It moves onto the next section when the intertitle comes up. this says 'The new film by Queintin tarintino' this provides a break and moves the trailer onto the next section.
  • Fast edits
  • More diagetic sound explaining plot.
  • Plot elements
  • Uses quotable clips
  • Funky music
3rd section: Anticipation
  • More intertitles giving more of the film away.
  • Much faster edits to excite audience
  • More close up shots showing main characters clearly.
  • Plot is revealed.
  • A few seconds after all the fast edits where it comes to a slow edit, there is only diagetic sound where a man in the bar asks him 'whats your name?' he replies 'django..the D is silent'. this is a memorable quote of the movie an easy way to remember the movie aswell for when it is released.
  • Release dates
  • Actors names

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