Monday 5 November 2012

Indiana Jones

Sound:Not much Diagetic sound at the start of the movie, but there is a large amount of non Diagetic i think it is used the most mainly to set the scene of what this adventure is going to be like and jungle sound effects are used to set the atmosphere. the music pitch changes from high to low throughout this is depending on how close the danger is for example when the man tries to reach for his gun the music intensifies and reaches the loudest point when he turns around and hits it away with his whip. jungle sounds are constant throughout this gives a hint that the dialogue around now wont be as important as the message being given with the music which was that they are in another country, not somewhere you would usually go.
Edits: The main characters silhouette is visible you only really see his face when his companion betrays him and tries to attack him as he turns around and is only then really involved in the shot.the silhouette is used to create mystery of his personal identity it singles him out from everyone and makes the audience straight away realise that he is the main character as the attention given to him and the way he is portrayed at the start is different from the way the others have been portrayed.tracker camera is used to show the group of people and the scene.they have also used mid shot to show a dangerous atmosphere and long shot.
music: tribal drumming, tells us that where they are at the moment the country is not their normal environment.

the types of audiences that would enjoy a movie like this would be rugged traditionalists as it is full of action and the main character is the good looking, courageous man that everyman would try to be like.
fun/atics would also enjoy this movie as it is action packed and adventurous

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