Tuesday 13 November 2012

Enigma Code

what is an enigma code?
In an opening sene filmmakers sometimes create a question for the audience. They do this by making the main character or a certain object a mystery to the audience by not revelaing their face or the full purpose of the object,doing this will make the audience question themselves such as what is he doing? or who could this man be?.This technique is called the Enigma code. it is sometimes compared to a cliff hanger as a cliff hanger leaves the audience questioning what would happen next.

an enigma code example could be the opening scene of indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark as they dont show the main characters face until he is about to be attacked. as you dont see him fully it keeps you guessing who it could be beacause they dont show the characters face they show him using mid shots, long shots aswell as a close up for his hands.

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