Thursday 15 November 2012

Scott pilgrim vs the world


  • Slow edits
  • Slow music not as upbeat creating calm atmosphere
  • Mid shots,long shots,close ups used to set the scene
  • This section begins when the universal logo appears
  • Music speeds up a little
  • More diagetic sound
  • The plot unravels
  • Mid shots and close ups on main characters
  • This begins when the inter title comes in the inter title that says 'from the directors of hot fuzz'
  • Music speeds up even more and gets a little louder
  • Another inter title that says 'this summer'
  • More action scenes shown
  • Faster edits
  • Last inter title that says 'coming soon'


Poster and trailer similarities of Scott pilgrim 

  • Same guy, the main character is used from the trailer as the main image on the poster.
  • He is playing guitar, he also plays it in the trailer
  • The name scott pilgrim is used, this is also used in the trailer
  • Looks passionate about the guitar as he is concentrating on it in the poster, we already know from the trailer he plays it often.
  • Similar colour scheme
  • Same clothes are worn in poster and trailer

Scott pilgrim movie opening (first 15mins)

  • Begins with universal logo matches the logo that came up in the trailer.
  • At the end of the trailer it was like a video game and in the start of the movie the universal logo turns into a videogame type logo.
  • Mid shots,close ups on characters
  • Playing same guitar in poster and trailer in the movie aswell
  • Writing comes up when the singer of his band sings, words come up the way they came up in the trailer every time someone got hit such as 'pow' very comic book style.
  • The wavy lines come from the drums and the guitars the way it is happening in the poster aswell.
  • Split screen the way it was split in the start of the trailer.
  • Comic book written style 'Brrr' similar to the writing in the trailer.
  • Characters from the trailer.

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