Wednesday 27 February 2013

StarPower in my Case Study Movies


This movie uses various actors/actresses with starpower such as Channing tatum,Jonah hill,Icecube and Johnny depp although icecube and Johnny depp are not featured in the movie much this still would entice audiences to watch the movie.

Channing tatum plays one of the lead titles in this movie, we can see he has starpower as the last movie he was in called The Vow had a Budget of $30,000,000 (estimated) and made a Gross of  $125,014,030 (USA) (11 May 2012).That is a very large gross making it a very very successful movie.
Jonah hill plays one of the lead titles in this movie, in the movie Get him to the greek he played a lead title the budget for this movie is unknown but it Grossed $17,570,955 (USA) (6 June 2010).  

This concludes that Channing tatum is the one with the most starpower here out of the two lead title actors.






500 Days of Summer

Zooey Deschanel is in this movie she plays one of the lead titles but she hasn't really played the lead title in other movies whereas she has been in a few movies that have grossed alot such as YesMan had a Budget of $70,000,000 (estimated) it made a Gross of $97,680,195 (USA) (27 March 2009).As she doesnt have alot of starpower she may have been used in this movie to make the focus more on the movie storyline or as it was a low budget movie and she wouldnt expect to be paid as much as a actress with starpower would want to be paid.






Simon pegg played the lead title in Hot Fuzz: Budget for the movie £8,000,000 (estimated) Gross made is $23,618,786 (USA) (20 July 2007). This shows that Simon Pegg has starpower, and this proves how succesful the movie is and why its usually mentioned on many of the Paul posters.He also has 6 Post productions for the upcoming years.This shows he is quite on demand.




Tuesday 26 February 2013


Effect of starpower on oscars and films.Actors and actreses with more starpower attract more audiences they have more fans, more fans mens more views for the movie making more profit.They can provide a guranteed income.
opening a film-holding the lead title on your own-playing the main character e.g.Jennifer lawerence  does that in Hunger games she is the lead actress.
actress and actors who have starpower make successful films.We know she is a good actress as she has won the oscar award -Critical acclaim.
Jennifer lawerence played the lead title in Hunger games which has a Budget of $78,000,000 and had a Gross of $407,999,255 (USA) (31 August 2012).That right there shows how powerful starpower can be.

Lindsay lohan is an example of someone who has no starpower, many of the movies she has played the lead title of make a loss of 10million rather than gaining.Lindsays movie Just my luck had a Budget of $28,000,000 (estimated) and made a Gross of $331,344 (25 August 2006)

Therefore starpower is a very important factor espeacially for directors and producers, they have to be careful on the actress/actor they choose to play the lead title in their movies.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Paul teaser trailer analysis

  • Universal logo
  • Working title logo
  • Calm relaxing music
  • Simon pegg and nick frost closeups,mid shots,defining the charcters
  • Intertitles telling us a little about them 'They're best buddies'
  • Begins when the crash happens and the intertitle saying 'Him' appears.Who is him?
  • Main character introduced
  • Starts when nick faintsas music is more upbeat and mdoern
  • Threatning situation
  • Begins to show other main characters,Jason bateman,Sigourney weaver etc, enticing a range of audiences
  • Shows action clips,explosions,chases
  • Fast edits not to give too much of the action scenes in the movie away.
  • Ends with a humorous clip where they are seen trying to blend Paul in with the other humans.This defines the movie as a comedy dor the audience, a little bit of a taster as what kind of jokes the movie is likely to contain.
  • Last few intertitles is the release date february 2011, this also has the institution logos at the bottom.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Paul official website analysis

The official Paul website, has the colour theme of Red,White and black.The red colour is used to highlight important bits, such as the menu bar at the bottom and the movie title,and the words pegg and frost. Which refers to the main actors. The White background where the actors pictures are is used to make sure the focus is on the characters and text.
Synergy with the movie title Paul as it is written in the same font as the font on the poster,making it easy for audiences to recongise.Synergy as the same actors from the main poster have been used,they also have the same costumes on as they have on in the poster which again makes it more easy for audiences to recongise the website.Paul looks the same as he did on both posters, so he is easier to recongise as he is not something you would see everyday.

Simon pegg and Nick frost are positioned so they are the first things you see, this is good because then the audience will recongise who they are and what movie this is.They can get a rough idea of what the movie will be like because they have directed and starred in movies before that have been quite big.We have a quote from a magazine called Empire, a big movie empire whos opinion would definatly count for something for some audiences.The quote is a very positive one.Synergy detected again as on the poster it said 'from the producers of hotfuzz' it also says it here on the website again to attract more numbers of audiences as hotfuzz may have been a very successful movie.

The menu at bottom has stills from the movie and trailer so it again makes it easier to recongise what movie this may be and has an unusual setting as most websites dont have images for the menu.

Thursday 21 February 2013

21Jump Street teaser trailer analysis

  • Long shots-setting the scene,police station,finally becoming policemen there is synergy because in the trailer we see them at the student stage taking exams.
  • Mid shots of main characters, helping audiences identify them.
  • Institution companies shown Coloumbia,MGM and Original Film there is synergy as these three companies are also shown in the trailer.
  • Plot revealed, how they end up going undercover.To give audiences an idea of what the movie is about, basic storyline.
  • Character personality revealed as channing says 'I was cool in high school'.So audiences familiarize themselves with the characters.
  • Problems identified one is to have no sexual relationships with students or teachers, then a a teacher is shown flirting with channing,clearly shows they are already not following the rules.
  • Second rule is to give no one alcohol but then a scene of them purchasing a large amount of alcohol is shown.again they are not following the rules.Meaning that trouble is bound to happen.
  • Rules clearly shown to audeinces that they have been given so the audience can keep them in mind throughout the movie and realise that they break the rules.
  • Closeups and midshots revealing more characters.
  • Begins when the intertitle 'in 2012' appears.
  • faster edits so not too much of the movie is revealed.
  • more action scenes and explosions to show audiences the action and different types of scenes it consists of to draw more audiences.
  • upbeat,'hip' music.
  • Ends with intertitle that says 'coming soon' which also has institution logos along the bottom.

Paul website analysis

The Paul website is hard to recongise as there isnt really anything there that clearly confirms for you that this is abot the movie Paul up until you take a little bit of time looking carefully at the surroundings,a dvd and blu ray box cover is on the right side of the page.The pictures of the dvd and blu ray is the picture used on the poster with all three main characters.There is no use of colour on the site except for plain white/silver.The name of the movie is on the left hand side in grey which doesnt make it stand out much.That is what makes it harder to spot.That wasn't one of the first things i spotted.
The instution is clearly shown as Universal Studios Entertainment.
Alot of extra videos such as behind the scenes with interviews from the actors to get their views on the movie and how some scenes were completed.We also have a video promoting the dvd and blu ray, interview with the actors.Scrolling down we have the chance to recieve more information about what the blu ray and dvd consist of.It seems as though the main purpose of this site was to promote and sell the dvd and blu ray.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Website analysis 21Jump Street

The 21 Jump Street website has Sony everywhere which lets us know that sony pictures was one of the main production companies for this movie.The site is a Sonypictures website aswell.We have various links on the page that let you connect with Sony pictures to let fans know when and what kind of movies they will be releasing.

The maine image for 21Jump Street has a large image spread across,it is a still of a scene where they are walking out the limos and making an entrance to the prom.So we recongise theme easily as they are wearing the white suits they have on in the poster for the movie. The movie title name is the same font and colour as it is on the teaser poster and the normal poster,which shows synergy and the same costume and use of font,font colour makes it more easier for audiences to identify the movie.There is also use of the same tagline 'The only thing getting blown tonight is their cover'.This is seen on the blu ray cover and the poster.

We have the right corner selling the movie in different forms,Blu-ray,DVD,Itunes and Ultra violet. Which seems to be something new as it is promoted again under the title.It gives the audience simpler ways of purchasing the movie, instead of having a DVD they can download it to watch it anywhere.Things that you are able to click on that lead you to another webpage seem to be a red rectangle with white writing which makes them easy to identify which saves users from hovering the mouse on bits of the page to see what is accessable.

There is also a picture of the Blu ray which would probably make it easier for people to spot in a shop if they would rather not buy we scroll further down we see exclusive interviews,theres also a game to play and further down it tells us the speacial features that you get on the blu ray or dvd.It contains things people would want to watch if they really find the movie entertaining or for personal identity,they could enjoy the directors work therefore they would enjoy the commentary which is featured on the dvd.

A few stills from the movie and then pictures of 4 other movies which have been produced by Sonypictures and are alot like the movie 21 jump street.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

21 Jump Street intertexuality and U&G

The movie 21Jump Street has been described as The Fast and Furious,Super bad and Never been kissed.This is because it contains these elements of comedy,action and some deep meaningful moments not only to do with love but with bonds of friendship.Ice Cube, nails the stereotypical angry black police captain.

When people first heard about a 21Jump Street movie in the process of making, alot of fans assumed it would be a remake of the TV series but instead they have created something that has nothing to do with the original TV series.It has been said to be one of the best comedies of the year.

The film opens with a scene in which we see Jonah Hill with a slim shady look, a typical un popular looking kid with braces.We see him fail to invite the girl of his dreams to the prom.This is very similar to Never been kissed whereas in that she has been successfully invited by a popular kid but her appearance is very similar to Jonah's here.This helps audiences identitfy what kind of person the character is in the movie.People can already begin to make links with what could happen as the audience already knows this is a story of these two going back to highschool undercover.The slim shady look creates intertexuality with the famous rapper Eminem, it creates it to be more humourous as Eminem is a very famous rapper amongst a wide range of audiences,many races and many ages.

Jonah Hill becomes more of a popular kid as well as Drew barrymore in Never been kissed. This is a link of intertexuality.You can guess what happens he begins to get dragged in by the popular kids and feels as though he is living his High school life now as he never had much of a great one when it was actually his turn.

This movie would attract people who have enjoyed movies such as Never been kissed,The Fast and Furious,Super bad. The age range would be older teens and young adults.Tribewired people.Individuals who love action and comedy.This may attract a a little percentage of rugged traditionalists as this movie does consist of fast paced car chases and fight scenes but it has a higher level of immaturity which may not fit their catergory.

Paul Trailer Analysis

  • Begins with a Universal intertitle
  • Then the working title intertitle
  • synergy detected as these two production companies are seen on the poster of the mvie
  • Non diagetic sound, an old country song that sounds like an American song,Sets the scene.
  • Long shot of caravan driving by along the road.
  • Close up of the sign that says Extraterrestrial Highway and the caravan drives past,shows there is a link between the two. The sign must mean something the way it would in a horror movie when a car drives past and a close up of a sign saying 'dead end' would come up.
  • Creates mystery.
  • Lady at the bar confirms for us the caravan is theirs by saying 'Your going on a road trip huh'
  • Bar is full of props related to extraterrestrials including alien head mugs,trying to hint out the obvious of this being an Alien related movie.
  • Litlle bit of diagetic sound
  • Non diagetic throughout
  • Talking about the main reason they are here'tour of Americas most famous UFO hotspots'
  • Intertitle-'There were many sights they planned to see'
  • Devastating crash,music stops and actors scream
  • intertitle 'this was not one of them' plot is slowly unravelling through intertitles.
  • 'Hi im Paul' introduces himself,synergy as Paul is the name seen on the two posters aswell as being the movies name.
  • Paul is wearing the same outfit as the one he has on in the posters.
  • Non diagetic sound resumes but it is different as it has a faster beat to it and is no longer country music.
  • Plot unravels further as Paul begins to say 'i really need your help this is a matter of life and death'
  • mroe characters are introduced, the agents trying to catch Paul, they seem to be what he is running from.We know they are dangerous as they have weapons.
  • They look similar to 'Men in Black' agents as they are dressed in suits with sunglasses hunting for Aliens.
  • Paul is wanted and Simon and Nick try to protect him and get him home safely.
  • Enticing more audiences who enjoyed the movie superbad by having an intertitle that says 'from the directors of superbad'.
  • Lots of jokes shows it is a fun filled comedy.
  • More closeups on characters faces as we have no identified the main characters.Shows who is important
  • Begins when the intertitle 'this spring' appears as things get a little serious when paul tells them its too dangerous but simon wont heed.Shows they have created a strong bond of friendship.
  • more upbeat music.
  • fast edits.
  • more action.
  • explosions.
  • Intertitle 'PAUL' appears to mark the end of the trailer but a little humorous scene is shown at the end when you think Paul has done something miaculous for saving the birds life but then he eats it.The memorable line from Paul is, 'What i wasnt guna eat a dead! bird'. Its funny because thats how they should be eaten...Dead.
  • intertitle 'coming soon'
  • all intertitles in yellow block writing,Synergy as the teaser poster background was the same bright yellow.
  • The institution logos are featured again and the website for more information.

Monday 18 February 2013

Paul poster analysis

The tagline 'Whos up for a close encounter?' this is inviting people who are interested in Aliens and Sci fi movies to come and watch this movie.To get a real feel of what the outer space species are like.Enticing them to come and watch the movie. A close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. This links with the movie as it is about an Alien, people familiar with Aliens ad UFO'S are likely to understand the wording as 'close encounter' is speacially used for things like that.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a 1977 science fiction-drama written and directed by Steven Spielberg ''After an encounter with UFOs, a line worker feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.''

The spotlight colour surrounding them is not yellow or white as that is the colour a helicopter would have as a searchlight,the colour purple creates more of a mystery and supports the idea of this being a close encounter with a UFO. Purple is not a colour that a helicopter searchlight would be.The unusual purple spotlight also highlights the main characters.Purple unusual spotlight shows it is coming from the sky as characters are looking upwards towards something in the sky,the two human characters are in shock and confused,Paul is smiling the tagline ties in with Paul being 'the close encounter' as he is smiling at the thing above them it shows he is familiar with it.So it must be one of his kind.

Paul is present again from the teaser poster,creates synergy.Same character and clothes.People almost recongise the poster as two new characters are present.Only crazy fans of Nick frost and Simon pegg would recongise the movie.Hard for new audiences.New layout,Black whereas teaser poster is bright yellow.Pauls casual outfit reassures audiences that this movie would be a comedy as what Alien would wear casual clothes and stand so close comfortably next to two adult humans.We pick up a bit of comedy from the fact that Paul is holding a milkshake or a drink that you can purchase from shops like Mcdonalds, this shows he has an adventure and gets around during the time hes here.

This is a movie for Teens over 16 and young adults,mostly male as the two main characters are dressed as young adults who have just finished their education and probably live together.They look like 'nerds' and 'gamers' this can be picked up from the shirts and the samurai sword on one of their backs.Who would carry a samurai sword around unless they are a crazed fan of the object.

The main movie title is written in a different font compared to the teaser poster when most movie posters keep the writing the same on all posters.This font is quite unique as it also consists of a little Alien head on the A.The title and actor names are in white and similar font.The line below the title which is in orange is what will help people recongise the movie, and help Simon pegg and Nick frost fans to identitfy this as another one of their comedy movies.

The producer companies are very little,barely visible but one is on the left and the other is on the right.It will be released on valentines day a memorable date, a little bit of relevance to the date of valentines day as there is some romance in there but not as much that would make it suitable to be relased on valentines day.It would have had a hard time competeing with more romantic movies released that day.

A website link is present at the bottom for people who are curious to go and discover more information about the

Sunday 17 February 2013

Paul intertexuality and U&G

The movie Paul has intertexuality to it as the actual character who is called Paul has the appearance of a typically described Alien.Most Aliens look like that in other movies and the shape of his head and body is how some people who believe they have encountered aliens would describe them to look.So it creates familiarity for audiences it also makes it easier for them to recongise Paul as almost normal.This is because this is what Aliens are described as normally.
Personal Identity-Males would want to watch this movie as Paul is a care free, reckless friend.Something                 most young adults and teens want in friends or are like that themselves.
Entertainment-The movie is a comedy, people who have previously watched movies that consist of Simon pegg and Nick frost are likely to watch this if they enjoyed movies such as Shaun of the Dead.
Social-groups of friends may enjoy Simon pegg and Nick frost movies.

Pauls appearance is something that you can pick out alot of intertexuality from as it is how Aliens are usually described and how a large amound of the population would expect them to look.They look the way Paul does in various movies that consist of Alien encounters.One famous Alien movie that i think they have alot of intertexuality with is E.T. This is because they look a little similar in appearance and the basic storyline is the same.Discovering an Alien who has landed on earth and the main charcter helps keep it safe from being discovered by the government also helping it return safely home.E.T is dressed as a ghost on halloween in order for the main character to sneak him out of the house whereas Paul dresses up as a cowboy to avoid being spotted by the agents who are after him so the two main characters can get him out from their current location.There is also a reference to the movie predator when Paul manages to go invisible.

 Sigourney weaver creates intertexuality with this movie as she is the main actress of one of the very famous sci fi franchises which started off with the movie Alien, following on with Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien resurrection.Her being in this movie makes it abit more funny to show how they have got her to go from serious alien action movie to comedy alien action movie.Her being a part of the movie will attract her fans and create a larger audience for the movie itself which will make a large profit for them.But the movie was not that succesful.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Intertextuality and U&G

-Personal identity-Girls,Identification.They want to be like her copy her trend and what she does they see her as a role model.Boys would find her attractive, some of the things she does in her videos and the way she dresses is sexual.This can tie in with Entertainment for the male gender.
Entertainment-Audiences are likely to watch her videos because they have seen her previous videos and enjoy them or enjoy her previous songs.]
Social-Discuss changes,Copy the clothes she wears in her videos.Imitate dance moves she does at live shows or music videos.

  • she attracted a larger audience as she used a Belgium choreographers dance moves,Belgium fans would check out beyonce's video to see how she has copied it.This can be positive or negative.As some may like it and some wont.Articles writtten on it,causes commotion,more and more people want to compare them.
  • The song links into her pregnancy,her lyrics talking about how she wants to make 2 into 3.She announced her preganncy after that.As she is with Jay-z his side of the fans would want to research on it and find out about their private life of being together.This would be thrown into the user and grats Information subheading.
  • The coulours and clothes she wears in music videos-seasonal,trend setting and up to date with fashion.
  • Audrey hepburn dance-her clothes are like what beyonce is wearing in the countdown video aswell as her hairstyle/cut.People can make links as the theme in the video is very 50's/60's.
  • The setting is similar to the one in the movie stepup.The dance room,not luxury but old and broken.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Paul teaser poster analysis

The plain yellow background, not much focus going on there gives a summery feel. That maybe this wont be a dark depressing sci fi movie but a fun, bubbly movie judging from the colour.
There are 5 words in quite a large font so they are clearly visible for the audience, they are descriptive words so they are describing some one. There is a full stop at the end of the word 'alien.'.As though to say that is the end of a sentence, maybe a quote from someone describing Paul. We know that the main piece of text here is 'Paul' as it is in a completely different font compared to the other descriptive words,unusually written as P is not in capital but 'AUL' are in capitals.The white writing of 'PAUL' is also written in bold.Above the main title name we have names of he stars featured in the movie.On the right side of the writing we have an odd looking creature posed,in human clothes,the fact that it has a normal English name makes it more bizzare. Descriptive words are funny hinting to the movie being of a comedic genre.I think the picture of the alien was released early on a teaser poster to help people become familiar with the character.As Paul is an unusual looking character so if his image is released some time before the actually movie comes out then people will be more familiar with him and comfortable when watching the movie.They wont find anything out of place or odd.The descriptive words are building on his personality,what he is like and who he is to help audiences create the character in their minds as well.Simon pegg and Nick Frost's names are written first above the movie title as they must be the ones who are most important out of the rest of the cast.They are the ones who define the genre as well.

At the bottom we can see the production company is universal and we see it has been rated as the R is visible . All that writing is in black compared to the 'coming soon' which shows it is more important as it is a little larger as well. there is a site where curious audiences can go onto and discover more about the character and movie Paul ' These are usually featured to let audiences in on a little bit more about the movie.