Tuesday 19 February 2013

21 Jump Street intertexuality and U&G

The movie 21Jump Street has been described as The Fast and Furious,Super bad and Never been kissed.This is because it contains these elements of comedy,action and some deep meaningful moments not only to do with love but with bonds of friendship.Ice Cube, nails the stereotypical angry black police captain.

When people first heard about a 21Jump Street movie in the process of making, alot of fans assumed it would be a remake of the TV series but instead they have created something that has nothing to do with the original TV series.It has been said to be one of the best comedies of the year.

The film opens with a scene in which we see Jonah Hill with a slim shady look, a typical un popular looking kid with braces.We see him fail to invite the girl of his dreams to the prom.This is very similar to Never been kissed whereas in that she has been successfully invited by a popular kid but her appearance is very similar to Jonah's here.This helps audiences identitfy what kind of person the character is in the movie.People can already begin to make links with what could happen as the audience already knows this is a story of these two going back to highschool undercover.The slim shady look creates intertexuality with the famous rapper Eminem, it creates it to be more humourous as Eminem is a very famous rapper amongst a wide range of audiences,many races and many ages.

Jonah Hill becomes more of a popular kid as well as Drew barrymore in Never been kissed. This is a link of intertexuality.You can guess what happens he begins to get dragged in by the popular kids and feels as though he is living his High school life now as he never had much of a great one when it was actually his turn.

This movie would attract people who have enjoyed movies such as Never been kissed,The Fast and Furious,Super bad. The age range would be older teens and young adults.Tribewired people.Individuals who love action and comedy.This may attract a a little percentage of rugged traditionalists as this movie does consist of fast paced car chases and fight scenes but it has a higher level of immaturity which may not fit their catergory.

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