Saturday 23 February 2013

Paul official website analysis

The official Paul website, has the colour theme of Red,White and black.The red colour is used to highlight important bits, such as the menu bar at the bottom and the movie title,and the words pegg and frost. Which refers to the main actors. The White background where the actors pictures are is used to make sure the focus is on the characters and text.
Synergy with the movie title Paul as it is written in the same font as the font on the poster,making it easy for audiences to recongise.Synergy as the same actors from the main poster have been used,they also have the same costumes on as they have on in the poster which again makes it more easy for audiences to recongise the website.Paul looks the same as he did on both posters, so he is easier to recongise as he is not something you would see everyday.

Simon pegg and Nick frost are positioned so they are the first things you see, this is good because then the audience will recongise who they are and what movie this is.They can get a rough idea of what the movie will be like because they have directed and starred in movies before that have been quite big.We have a quote from a magazine called Empire, a big movie empire whos opinion would definatly count for something for some audiences.The quote is a very positive one.Synergy detected again as on the poster it said 'from the producers of hotfuzz' it also says it here on the website again to attract more numbers of audiences as hotfuzz may have been a very successful movie.

The menu at bottom has stills from the movie and trailer so it again makes it easier to recongise what movie this may be and has an unusual setting as most websites dont have images for the menu.

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