Tuesday 12 February 2013

Intertextuality and U&G

-Personal identity-Girls,Identification.They want to be like her copy her trend and what she does they see her as a role model.Boys would find her attractive, some of the things she does in her videos and the way she dresses is sexual.This can tie in with Entertainment for the male gender.
Entertainment-Audiences are likely to watch her videos because they have seen her previous videos and enjoy them or enjoy her previous songs.]
Social-Discuss changes,Copy the clothes she wears in her videos.Imitate dance moves she does at live shows or music videos.

  • she attracted a larger audience as she used a Belgium choreographers dance moves,Belgium fans would check out beyonce's video to see how she has copied it.This can be positive or negative.As some may like it and some wont.Articles writtten on it,causes commotion,more and more people want to compare them.
  • The song links into her pregnancy,her lyrics talking about how she wants to make 2 into 3.She announced her preganncy after that.As she is with Jay-z his side of the fans would want to research on it and find out about their private life of being together.This would be thrown into the user and grats Information subheading.
  • The coulours and clothes she wears in music videos-seasonal,trend setting and up to date with fashion.
  • Audrey hepburn dance-her clothes are like what beyonce is wearing in the countdown video aswell as her hairstyle/cut.People can make links as the theme in the video is very 50's/60's.
  • The setting is similar to the one in the movie stepup.The dance room,not luxury but old and broken.