Tuesday 19 February 2013

Paul Trailer Analysis

  • Begins with a Universal intertitle
  • Then the working title intertitle
  • synergy detected as these two production companies are seen on the poster of the mvie
  • Non diagetic sound, an old country song that sounds like an American song,Sets the scene.
  • Long shot of caravan driving by along the road.
  • Close up of the sign that says Extraterrestrial Highway and the caravan drives past,shows there is a link between the two. The sign must mean something the way it would in a horror movie when a car drives past and a close up of a sign saying 'dead end' would come up.
  • Creates mystery.
  • Lady at the bar confirms for us the caravan is theirs by saying 'Your going on a road trip huh'
  • Bar is full of props related to extraterrestrials including alien head mugs,trying to hint out the obvious of this being an Alien related movie.
  • Litlle bit of diagetic sound
  • Non diagetic throughout
  • Talking about the main reason they are here'tour of Americas most famous UFO hotspots'
  • Intertitle-'There were many sights they planned to see'
  • Devastating crash,music stops and actors scream
  • intertitle 'this was not one of them' plot is slowly unravelling through intertitles.
  • 'Hi im Paul' introduces himself,synergy as Paul is the name seen on the two posters aswell as being the movies name.
  • Paul is wearing the same outfit as the one he has on in the posters.
  • Non diagetic sound resumes but it is different as it has a faster beat to it and is no longer country music.
  • Plot unravels further as Paul begins to say 'i really need your help this is a matter of life and death'
  • mroe characters are introduced, the agents trying to catch Paul, they seem to be what he is running from.We know they are dangerous as they have weapons.
  • They look similar to 'Men in Black' agents as they are dressed in suits with sunglasses hunting for Aliens.
  • Paul is wanted and Simon and Nick try to protect him and get him home safely.
  • Enticing more audiences who enjoyed the movie superbad by having an intertitle that says 'from the directors of superbad'.
  • Lots of jokes shows it is a fun filled comedy.
  • More closeups on characters faces as we have no identified the main characters.Shows who is important
  • Begins when the intertitle 'this spring' appears as things get a little serious when paul tells them its too dangerous but simon wont heed.Shows they have created a strong bond of friendship.
  • more upbeat music.
  • fast edits.
  • more action.
  • explosions.
  • Intertitle 'PAUL' appears to mark the end of the trailer but a little humorous scene is shown at the end when you think Paul has done something miaculous for saving the birds life but then he eats it.The memorable line from Paul is, 'What i wasnt guna eat a dead! bird'. Its funny because thats how they should be eaten...Dead.
  • intertitle 'coming soon'
  • all intertitles in yellow block writing,Synergy as the teaser poster background was the same bright yellow.
  • The institution logos are featured again and the website for more information.

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