Sunday 17 February 2013

Paul intertexuality and U&G

The movie Paul has intertexuality to it as the actual character who is called Paul has the appearance of a typically described Alien.Most Aliens look like that in other movies and the shape of his head and body is how some people who believe they have encountered aliens would describe them to look.So it creates familiarity for audiences it also makes it easier for them to recongise Paul as almost normal.This is because this is what Aliens are described as normally.
Personal Identity-Males would want to watch this movie as Paul is a care free, reckless friend.Something                 most young adults and teens want in friends or are like that themselves.
Entertainment-The movie is a comedy, people who have previously watched movies that consist of Simon pegg and Nick frost are likely to watch this if they enjoyed movies such as Shaun of the Dead.
Social-groups of friends may enjoy Simon pegg and Nick frost movies.

Pauls appearance is something that you can pick out alot of intertexuality from as it is how Aliens are usually described and how a large amound of the population would expect them to look.They look the way Paul does in various movies that consist of Alien encounters.One famous Alien movie that i think they have alot of intertexuality with is E.T. This is because they look a little similar in appearance and the basic storyline is the same.Discovering an Alien who has landed on earth and the main charcter helps keep it safe from being discovered by the government also helping it return safely home.E.T is dressed as a ghost on halloween in order for the main character to sneak him out of the house whereas Paul dresses up as a cowboy to avoid being spotted by the agents who are after him so the two main characters can get him out from their current location.There is also a reference to the movie predator when Paul manages to go invisible.

 Sigourney weaver creates intertexuality with this movie as she is the main actress of one of the very famous sci fi franchises which started off with the movie Alien, following on with Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien resurrection.Her being in this movie makes it abit more funny to show how they have got her to go from serious alien action movie to comedy alien action movie.Her being a part of the movie will attract her fans and create a larger audience for the movie itself which will make a large profit for them.But the movie was not that succesful.