Thursday 21 February 2013

21Jump Street teaser trailer analysis

  • Long shots-setting the scene,police station,finally becoming policemen there is synergy because in the trailer we see them at the student stage taking exams.
  • Mid shots of main characters, helping audiences identify them.
  • Institution companies shown Coloumbia,MGM and Original Film there is synergy as these three companies are also shown in the trailer.
  • Plot revealed, how they end up going undercover.To give audiences an idea of what the movie is about, basic storyline.
  • Character personality revealed as channing says 'I was cool in high school'.So audiences familiarize themselves with the characters.
  • Problems identified one is to have no sexual relationships with students or teachers, then a a teacher is shown flirting with channing,clearly shows they are already not following the rules.
  • Second rule is to give no one alcohol but then a scene of them purchasing a large amount of alcohol is shown.again they are not following the rules.Meaning that trouble is bound to happen.
  • Rules clearly shown to audeinces that they have been given so the audience can keep them in mind throughout the movie and realise that they break the rules.
  • Closeups and midshots revealing more characters.
  • Begins when the intertitle 'in 2012' appears.
  • faster edits so not too much of the movie is revealed.
  • more action scenes and explosions to show audiences the action and different types of scenes it consists of to draw more audiences.
  • upbeat,'hip' music.
  • Ends with intertitle that says 'coming soon' which also has institution logos along the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good outline Anisa. You've clearly identified elements of the narrative and mis-en-scene. However, your explanation is not deep enough. You have to explain why you think these elements were used.

    A good start.
