Tuesday 5 February 2013

Paul teaser poster analysis

The plain yellow background, not much focus going on there gives a summery feel. That maybe this wont be a dark depressing sci fi movie but a fun, bubbly movie judging from the colour.
There are 5 words in quite a large font so they are clearly visible for the audience, they are descriptive words so they are describing some one. There is a full stop at the end of the word 'alien.'.As though to say that is the end of a sentence, maybe a quote from someone describing Paul. We know that the main piece of text here is 'Paul' as it is in a completely different font compared to the other descriptive words,unusually written as P is not in capital but 'AUL' are in capitals.The white writing of 'PAUL' is also written in bold.Above the main title name we have names of he stars featured in the movie.On the right side of the writing we have an odd looking creature posed,in human clothes,the fact that it has a normal English name makes it more bizzare. Descriptive words are funny hinting to the movie being of a comedic genre.I think the picture of the alien was released early on a teaser poster to help people become familiar with the character.As Paul is an unusual looking character so if his image is released some time before the actually movie comes out then people will be more familiar with him and comfortable when watching the movie.They wont find anything out of place or odd.The descriptive words are building on his personality,what he is like and who he is to help audiences create the character in their minds as well.Simon pegg and Nick Frost's names are written first above the movie title as they must be the ones who are most important out of the rest of the cast.They are the ones who define the genre as well.

At the bottom we can see the production company is universal and we see it has been rated as the R is visible . All that writing is in black compared to the 'coming soon' which shows it is more important as it is a little larger as well. there is a site where curious audiences can go onto and discover more about the character and movie Paul 'whatispaul.com. These are usually featured to let audiences in on a little bit more about the movie.

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