Sunday 27 January 2013

Analysis of Bisto advert

Media Representations
The people shown in the Bisto advert are not all identical in any way.People of all ages,all colours,all genders have been used.This shows a wide representation of culture.People with jobs and people with no jobs have been used.Not all of them had the same accent telling us that it is including the whole of UK parts such as wales.It shows that Britain is welcoming to everyone no matter what colour and age you are.Shows Britain in a positive light.Gives a fair representation of people in the UK as it also shows the different types of areas.Some people were stood in a working environment others were stood in front of a flat tower block,grassy outdoors,showing Britain has many different locations and environments as well as occupations but they all have Bisto in common.It also shows construction sites where the people working in the background can be seen clearly, portraying Britain as peaceful people.Friendly as there is no conflict between them.Also creates the message that all these people in Britain being shown love gravy.The other thing included to show that UK is welcoming to all is one of the backgrounds was a few youths standing by the gates of a church, a religious place.Telling us that gravy is something Christians would have regularly or maybe on a Sunday as a church day meal, as one of the lines said by the people is 'one day a week' they could be relating to that day.they are using old english 'Henceforth' shows that gravy has been a tradition in Britain,it has got lost but Bisto are trying to bring it back.

Media Institutions
The advert shows Bisto to be a family brand because of the types of people they have used in the advert to take the pledge.They have used people of all ages, including children sitting at the dinner table,Teens at work and school girls, Elder people working and middle aged men and women.During the pledge one child says 'doing what families do'. This gives us the impression that Bisto is working to bring families together and is best used when having a family meal therefore it is a family brand.If people use this brand regularly then they will have regular family meals and feel more closer as a family.This is because one of the actors says 'chatting about the stuff of life' Having Bisto and a regular meal once a week will bring families closer as they will talk to each other more.Traditional values are shown when the actors talk about having a proper meal at least once a week.The way they speak whilst making the pledge is old english as they use words such as 'Henceforth' shows that maybe they are reliving or bringing the old days back to life once a week for the sake of being a family.We know that Bisto are a family bran with traditional values as they have been around for a long time, so it goes to show that Bisto are trying to relive the old days.

Media Audiences
The advert would encourage mothers as they are the ones who do the cooking traditionally.The advert entices them to buy the gravy Bisto because if they buy it and go through with the pledge then their husband and children will definatley come home on time and have a proper meal with them as a family.It can appeal to adult women and men to buy it as it can bring their family closer this also goes for teens and little children.A child would see the little girl similar to their age talking about how Bisto makes you more of a family and it will give other children ideas to get parents to buy it as maybe they feel their family is not as close as a family should be.It also encourages other types of various audiences as they don't only show white people even though united kingdom is traditionally known as a white country. They show that the UK is multi-cultural and three are people of all races living in UK and that the gravy is liked and used by Asians and black people as well as multi-cultural people are featured it would encourage Asian people to buy and try the gravy as they don't really eat gravy but this advert would entice them to buy it.The way the actors are speaking gives the impression to the audience that whoever you are the ad is speaking to you,giving direct address.

Media Forms
The British values of the product are bought out more by using mid shots that/long shots when the actors are speaking so we can easily see their surrounding and background of where they come from or what their occupation edits to show a vast amount of different people it is almost like a montage.The non diagetic sound is orchestra music is very grand which is similar to the British anthem.Telling us that Bisto has a very British background. The people are shown making a pledge, committing themselves saying half sentences such as 'I Keith Jones, and 'Henceforth' this is very formal,old language.It is almost like they are swearing an oath, the way they use to in the old days.The word 'proper meal' is not a word you would think they use but all average people use that word rather than suitable or appropriate meal which makes 'proper' fit in more with the advert.Their idea of a proper meal is a typical traditional British meal of sausages,mash and peas
along with the gravy. 'make tonight aah. night'. The word 'aah' here has two meanings, it is substituted for the word our and is also used as it is whats seen on the Bisto logo. When you think of saying our like aah it sounds a bit like the way our would be said in a Scottish accent.Again they are including all of UK.....or are theeeeeey muhahahahahahhahaha.-_-

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