Sunday 27 January 2013

Analysis of Bisto advert

Media Representations
The people shown in the Bisto advert are not all identical in any way.People of all ages,all colours,all genders have been used.This shows a wide representation of culture.People with jobs and people with no jobs have been used.Not all of them had the same accent telling us that it is including the whole of UK parts such as wales.It shows that Britain is welcoming to everyone no matter what colour and age you are.Shows Britain in a positive light.Gives a fair representation of people in the UK as it also shows the different types of areas.Some people were stood in a working environment others were stood in front of a flat tower block,grassy outdoors,showing Britain has many different locations and environments as well as occupations but they all have Bisto in common.It also shows construction sites where the people working in the background can be seen clearly, portraying Britain as peaceful people.Friendly as there is no conflict between them.Also creates the message that all these people in Britain being shown love gravy.The other thing included to show that UK is welcoming to all is one of the backgrounds was a few youths standing by the gates of a church, a religious place.Telling us that gravy is something Christians would have regularly or maybe on a Sunday as a church day meal, as one of the lines said by the people is 'one day a week' they could be relating to that day.they are using old english 'Henceforth' shows that gravy has been a tradition in Britain,it has got lost but Bisto are trying to bring it back.

Media Institutions
The advert shows Bisto to be a family brand because of the types of people they have used in the advert to take the pledge.They have used people of all ages, including children sitting at the dinner table,Teens at work and school girls, Elder people working and middle aged men and women.During the pledge one child says 'doing what families do'. This gives us the impression that Bisto is working to bring families together and is best used when having a family meal therefore it is a family brand.If people use this brand regularly then they will have regular family meals and feel more closer as a family.This is because one of the actors says 'chatting about the stuff of life' Having Bisto and a regular meal once a week will bring families closer as they will talk to each other more.Traditional values are shown when the actors talk about having a proper meal at least once a week.The way they speak whilst making the pledge is old english as they use words such as 'Henceforth' shows that maybe they are reliving or bringing the old days back to life once a week for the sake of being a family.We know that Bisto are a family bran with traditional values as they have been around for a long time, so it goes to show that Bisto are trying to relive the old days.

Media Audiences
The advert would encourage mothers as they are the ones who do the cooking traditionally.The advert entices them to buy the gravy Bisto because if they buy it and go through with the pledge then their husband and children will definatley come home on time and have a proper meal with them as a family.It can appeal to adult women and men to buy it as it can bring their family closer this also goes for teens and little children.A child would see the little girl similar to their age talking about how Bisto makes you more of a family and it will give other children ideas to get parents to buy it as maybe they feel their family is not as close as a family should be.It also encourages other types of various audiences as they don't only show white people even though united kingdom is traditionally known as a white country. They show that the UK is multi-cultural and three are people of all races living in UK and that the gravy is liked and used by Asians and black people as well as multi-cultural people are featured it would encourage Asian people to buy and try the gravy as they don't really eat gravy but this advert would entice them to buy it.The way the actors are speaking gives the impression to the audience that whoever you are the ad is speaking to you,giving direct address.

Media Forms
The British values of the product are bought out more by using mid shots that/long shots when the actors are speaking so we can easily see their surrounding and background of where they come from or what their occupation edits to show a vast amount of different people it is almost like a montage.The non diagetic sound is orchestra music is very grand which is similar to the British anthem.Telling us that Bisto has a very British background. The people are shown making a pledge, committing themselves saying half sentences such as 'I Keith Jones, and 'Henceforth' this is very formal,old language.It is almost like they are swearing an oath, the way they use to in the old days.The word 'proper meal' is not a word you would think they use but all average people use that word rather than suitable or appropriate meal which makes 'proper' fit in more with the advert.Their idea of a proper meal is a typical traditional British meal of sausages,mash and peas
along with the gravy. 'make tonight aah. night'. The word 'aah' here has two meanings, it is substituted for the word our and is also used as it is whats seen on the Bisto logo. When you think of saying our like aah it sounds a bit like the way our would be said in a Scottish accent.Again they are including all of UK.....or are theeeeeey muhahahahahahhahaha.-_-

Saturday 26 January 2013

21 Jump Street Teaser poster analysis

Using z reading the first bit of writing you see is the main actors names, Jonah hill and Channing tatum. These are written in large, bold white capitals. Which makes it easier for the audience to notice. As white stands out against the fiery and black background.They are also well known actor names.They are likely to draw in audiences and make them look up the movie on the internet to find out more about it if any of these two actors are their favorite. Use of famous actors is what can draw in audiences and create the movie to be a hit that's why most posters put the actors name on the top as it will be the first thing that the audience see.
the fiery background shows that they have the potential of having a serious job as police as they are in the middle of an explosion.The fact that they are in casual wear lets us know they are undercover, we know they are cops under cover as they are wearing police badges around their necks.The tagline for this poster also lets us know that they are cops undercover.The title of the movie is not in the middle but placed somewhere it doesn't attract much attention as i think the focus here is suppose to be on the image.What the two characters could be up to.A serious movie as they are both holding guns,Jonah hills face expression lets us know that this is a comedy whereas Channing Tatum face expression shows this contains some streaks of seriousness.They seem as though they are running and this picture is a freeze of them to show how actin packed the movie is and the tagline gives away the main story line of the movie. To help people understand what the movie may be based around. The title is written using white and red,red has not been used anywhere else in the poster, showing the significance in the word jump.Maybe the red colour has been used there to attract audiences attention to the movie title.Coming soon is surrounded by little grey writing which is probably the names of the producers, directors and it is also the institution logos such as MGM and Sony,it is surrounded by all of that as it helps it stand out more against the black background and grey writing.The tagline is written in yellow to help separate it from everything else on the poster.

Section A analysis of Dexter opening sequence

in this opening sequence during the preparation of food, the food is not portrayed as food but more like a human, as it is given qualities of a human.Such as when the meat is being sliced, it seemed as though it was a humans body getting sliced. We get the impression mainly due to the colour tone of the meat.It wasn't pink or red the way you would expect meat to be, it was more of a human skin tone.The main character is represented as quite a violent and dangerous person.We get this impression because of his actions, as in the first few seconds we see him slap a mosquito on his arm. Not normally what someone would do and the fact that he smiled after killing the mosquito shows the audience that he very much enjoyed that unnecessary killing.We also see a smudge of blood on his arm where he killed the mosquito.A inter-title appears with the word Dexter.This is written in red,the writing seems as though it has been written in blood. This is because two letters are smudged at the bottom which look very similar to blood.As the main inter-title, that shows the name of the show which is the name Dexter is written in red writing which could be blood tells the audience that this is a dangerous show,or the character Dexter is a very dangerous person as the colour red is known to symbolise danger.The actions the main character carries out during the opening sequence such as placing his hand on his own neck while shaving,slicing the meat to get the part he wants to cook, slicing and cooking the egg,tightening floss and laces around his fists, all these actions are carried out quite professionally.Almost perfectly as though he has done something like this before and has a lot of practice  This clearly labels him as dangerous.The other thing that can make the audience consider him as dangerous is that his face is not fully shown throughout the opening sequence. we only receive bits of his face at a time such as the back of his head, his mouth whilst he is eating etc. It makes the audience suspicious about him.It makes us wonder why his identity is hidden from us.Only at the end of the opening sequence we see his full face.He finally reveals his identity.But the use of camera shots and angles used give the impression that we have been watching him, almost spying on him as the main shots used are close ups and extreme close ups. the art where he reveals his face he gives the audience uncomfortable direct gaze almost saying without words i know you have been watching me,but in a more threatening way where the audience wouldn't dare tell anyone else what they have seen going on.which brings us to the end where he leaves his apartment or house and again gives us a direct gaze.The camera shot makes us feel as though we are his neighbors and have been watching him.He gives a direct gaze and nod almost as to say hello to mock the audience that only we know what he does but we cannot tell anyone else.

Media Forms
The use of lighting when he is out of his home is very high key lighting.It creates a positive mood and a atmosphere opposite to horror.Whereas inside his home there is low key lighting especially in the start when he wakes up. when we reach the end of the sequence when he walks out his home we realise how different the lighting is in both settings.It creates two different atmospheres it also presents the main character in a different light.It almost shows his personality that outside in the real world he puts a mask on his true identity and blends in with the positivity but in his home he is his true dark and demented self.The close up and extreme close ups suggest that we are spying on him and the reason w are spying on him is that there is something very intriguing about him.He is hiding something and we want to find out what it is therefore we are being nosy and spying on him whilst he goes through his normal morning routine.The close ups and extreme close ups help us focus on things we would not usually focus or pay attention to such as the way he handles his food,laces and how he places his hand on his neck whilst shaving.we realise how significant these small actions are as they clearly show he is a professional in......murdering?.The close up at the end which shows the main characters face that lasts for a long number of seconds makes it feel as though he is speaking/threatning us.As he has caught us watching him and knows a fear has grown of him inside us so with the long direct gaze he is pushing the fear further.

Media Language
The music used is something hat you would hear in a horror movie where the killer is enjoying the negative actions he carries out.It created a sinister,creepy atmosphere the music it what makes the audience create a certain type of impression about the main character is what made me think this man may be up to something more serious and dangerous, rather than just having a normal morning routine.There is no use of non diagetic sound. Which makes it feel more suspicious as there are no words, only eerie music being played and suspicious actions being carried out.

The gender of this would be males and females,a western culture race as the location of where he is is a western location.Age of the audiences are likely to be over 18 as there is a lot of blood shown, more than the amount that would normally be shown which tells us that there may be a lot of bloodshed. I think this because blood is associated a lot with this show as we also see the name in the inter-title written in blood.This has a USP as it is not something everyone would enjoy watching because many people are not pleased at the sight of blood.This show would be for people who enjoy watching things such as CSI and NCSI. As these shows contain killing that are being investigated.Here we are almost like the detective watching the killer.user grats-entertainment.It would not be suitable for a family as t contains violence,we know this from when he violently slaps the mosquito into his arm....killing it.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

21 Jump street poster analysis

Tag line at the top, so using the z reading that is one of the first things that you see. then it goes down to the makes them link so well as they are dressed formally and behind them the banner actually says 'Senior Prom'. looking at the two characters you can straight away sense that they are definatley not at their prom as their time must have been along time ago due to the fact they are holding weapons. the word cover in the tagline suggest that they are police undercover investigating some suspicious activity going on at a high school.where they are stood shows they are the centre of attention as they are between the two pillars with flowers and surrounded by balloons they could be standing somewhere a member of staff would announce something. so this is the part where they get their cover blown.we knows the setting of this scene as the banner behind them clearly says senior prom. we can muster up the basic storyline which is two cops have gone undercover at a high school and now they are close to having their cover blown.
you can see they have tried really hard to make them the center of attention here as they have also outlined them with silver stars behind them almost giving them a spotlight.Main colour theme here is Blue,White and black.the blue is used mainly in the background and the main characters are dressed in white with blue and a dark silver surrounding which is the curtains,balloons and smoke as it makes them stand out more, creates a spotlight for them.The characters are giving direct mode of address to the audience.

what would draw in audiences is the fact that these two high school boys are wielding guns like professionals so there must be something more going on here, rather than a normal high school prom. As this is a remake of the TV show 21 jump street the name is large and clear and in the colours red and white. I think red has been used here as it is not used on any other part of the poster except the release date, it separates them from everything else. makes it easier for the audience to remember that as they have been singled out using colour. The title will draw in more audiences that are familiar with this name and show.

Thursday 17 January 2013

21 jump street trailer analysis

  • Slow edits
  • Diagetic sound,setting the scene and characters pasts
  • Non diagetic sound as well
  • Md shots, and close ups used, focusing on two main characters straight away.
  • This begins when one character says to the other 'hey, you want to be friends' the other replies with 'yeah..yeah i do'.
  • After that the edits get a little faster than they were.
  • A bit of the plot unravels, you learn they are now cops but haven't had any action.
  • 3 production logos appear, columbia ,MGM and original film.
  • More diagetic sound un-ravelling the rest of the plot.
  • Mid shots,close ups,longshots setting the scene of where they are sent, the type of atmosphere they are in.
  • this begins when they take the drug and the boy who gave it to them says 'have fun'. right after he says that the edits are faster, music beat is faster.
  • more non diagetic sound
  • after the intertitle 'this spring' more of the action scenes appear, cars blowing up, smashing a vase in someones head, gunshots. showing that it gets hectic compared to what it was like in the begining which was calm and boring.
  • ends with a memorable humourous quote 'i think i crapped my pants'
  • ends with the release date and website for further information.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Section B practise question

Most media institutions link their 3 platforms emedia,print and broadcast using synergy.This connects all the platforms and helps audiences familiarize themseleves with the types of things that would appear in the movie.Synergy is when the same things from the different platforms are used in all platforms e.g. a shot from a trailer is a shot seen in the poster as a picture.

Synergy can be used to helppeople recongise the movie or the fact that this marketing is linked and related to the movie.So basic colour schemes are used continuously in all platforms for example 500 days of Summer uses the same colour scheme of light blue and white in posters and website.It also uses the main pictures from the official poster on the homepage of the website.This is to either hekp people recongise the site as official site of 500 days of Summer or to familiarize people with the characters.

in broadcast material most of what is seen in the teaser trailer is from the poster and seen again in the official trailer showing synergy.They appear iften to make audiences familiar with the content of the movie.Such as the main characters,clothing etc. This shows that synergy is being continued and reinforced in every platform,showing the importance beacause if there was no synergy then platforms would be connected making it harder to recongise the movie itself and understand anything about the movie.creating bad marketing which would result in the movie being a fail.the continuous use of the main tagline'This is not a love story this is a story about love' is used in every platform for 500 days of Summer which helps audiences define what kind of genre the movie is which is romance/drama and comedy.

The trailers,website homepage and poster all consist of the main characters this is usually common with all movies where the poster consists of the two or three main characters sometimes only one. Such as the teaser poster for the Alien movie Paul. the teaser poster is only Paul present with a few large descriptive words next to him which are used to describe his personality.The official poster however is very different as it introduces the other two main characters of the movie who are Simon pegg and Nick frost.

Monday 14 January 2013

500 days of summer trailer analysis

  • Begins with no non diagetic sound but diagetic sound.
  • Two main characters shown
  • Diagetic sound as Zooeys character starts a conversation with Joesphs character.
  • No use of non diagetic sound to make the audience feel in the moment with them.
  • Josephs face expression as Zooey leaves shows he is in awe of her. Has he fallen in love?
  • Long shot for when she leaves to show they were in an elevator.
  • We see synergy from the teaser trailer and poster. same characters used from them.This is probably their first conversation together.
  • Institution intertitle appears 'Fox Searchlight Pictures' synergy from the poster as this institution is mentioned on the poster and in the teaser trailer. 
  • slow edits
  • Non-diagetic sound calm music.
  • diagetic sound again,narration same voice that is heard in the teaser trailer-synergy detected again.
  • diagetic sound unravels the plot for us gives us information on the two main characters their beliefs and names.
  • A shot of the two main characters on the park bench appears like they were in the teaser trailer-synergy.
  • Tagline is mentioned again-synergy.
  • This begins when the non diagetic sound stops and it comes to a close up on Summer's face and diagetic sound is only present as she says 'i think we should stop seeing eachother.
  • Edits speed up a little.
  • Plot begins to unravel more when the little girl says 'start from the beginning and tell us what happened' and an inter title appears of the number of days.
  • The inter-title that says (1) days. is in the form of how the inter title that said 500days of summer was in the teaser trailer-synergy.
  • More diagetic sound from characters.story is unraveling more and more we get to know what characters are like ourselves rather than hearing from the narration.
  • More shots that we are not familiar with are shown but most are shots seen from the teaser trailer.
  • Inter title that appears showing the number of days appears again e.g. (1) days. helps audience understand how the title of the movie links with the movie itself. we've learnt that he is counting the days with summer or how many days she has been present in his life and they lasted 500 days.
  • Humorous conversation shown to draw in people who like some humour.Adult humour showing the movie is for an adult intended audience.
  • Intimate conversation between characters about relationships,giving a taste of what the movie will be like and the characters point of views.
  • Begins when music changes to a more upbeat happy tune and the male main character says 'i think its official i'm in love with summer'.
  • faster edits
  • different inter title appears (official selection sun dance film festival 2009), this is seen on the official poster aswell. Synergy detected.
  • Extreme close up of Summers face.Synergy detected as it is a picture from the poster.
  • One of the last few shots is a memorable line said by the main male character ' i don't want to get over her i want to get her back'
  •  Inter title (500) days of summer the way it is written in the teaser trailer-synergy detected.
  • humorous last conversation between two characters.humour is more memorable.Likeable characters as that would draw in more audiences.

Saturday 12 January 2013

500 days of Summer teaser trailer analysis

  • Institution is shown at first-fox searchlight pictures
  • Long shot to show setting from park bench
  • Slow edits
  • Slow, calm music not as upbeat
  • Start of a story-how they met
  • Starts with non-diagetic sound-music-famous well known song
  • Diagetic sound, narration of story, he says words related to the storye.g. uncertainty, 500 days of magic. giving audiences an idea of what the movie roughly about and what it diagetic sound from the characters.
  • The first thing heard from the diagetic sound is 'this is not a love story but a story about love' this is the tagline that is seen on the poster for the movie.Synergy detected.
  • long shot of work place and city buildings again setting the scene.
  • Begins when half her face is show in a close up shot as she is lying her head on a pillow,same image is on the poster. Synergy detected.
  • Music speeds up.
  • Plot unravels
  • Mid Shots and Close ups, main characters identfied.
  • This begins when along shot appears where the shot turns into a pencil drawn effect the way it is on the poster with the 'grass' around him while he writes or sketches in his book.Synergy detected.
  • The narration introduces 'Fox searchlight pictures' and a inter-title where the writing changes colour appears and says 500 (days of summer).
  • Then music speeds up and seems a little louder.
  • The action seen in the shots is more active or intimate.
  • More intertitles  that say 500(days of summer) appear.
  • Narrator now only says words describing the story e.g. fury.
  • As the inter-title with the movie name appears at least four times and whilst the inter-title is being shown the title changes colors,this is a way the title will be remembered more. as it is being portrayed in a unique way. audiences are likely to remember the movie name more due to continuous unique inter-titles.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

500 days of Summer website

500days of summer official site is
The institution here is really made obvious as the top banner on the page is dedicated to fox searchlight. it also has text promoting the fox searchlight facebook page. it has another one of these when you scroll down lower onto the page and somewhere in the middle it has another box promoting the tumblr page.We can straight away see alot of viral marketing being done here.there is also a box that consists of the ongoing tweets that are based around the movie 500 days of summer, giving fans the chance to join in and conversate with other fans of the movie.The page is full of information on 500 days of summer. we have the premiere photos. a section called 500 days of summer videos which consists of different types of videos, montages of the movie and behind the scenes videossuch as 'Behind (500) DAYS: Joe and Zooey On Creativity'. Videos that feature the actors and directors giving out information that is relative to the movie.
The top of the page which you can see in the picture consists of a very familiar picture. This shows the synergy between the poster and the website as they have used the same images from the poster here but only zoomed more up close on the boy and put the most eye catching picture from the collage in the middle where someones attention would first go to. Again outlining the two main characters of this movie. this site is also promoting the soundtrack here on the bottom right of this image and on the bottom left it is provides a link to purchase the blu-ray or dvd. The site is very interactive as when you click on the 'watch trailer' on the right side in the middle it brings up a little screen that shows you more than one trailer for the movie including the teaser trailer.Giving the user alot of information as the menu after the movies brings up options of watching other videos.The site gives you alot of background information on other things associated with the movie such as 'what did the critics say' links and boxes with opinions on the movie from critics which can help audiences determine whether this is a movie for them.

When you scroll down again in the right hand corner there is another box that says /buy the dvd buy on itunes'.Promoting the movie and enticing audiences to buy the movie online, quicker and convienant rather than going out to pick it up from a store.It also has a link to like the page on facebook, creating a larger fanbase for them. this site has a few complicated uses as you discover that the top half where the main image is where videos are played and other features. It almost makes you realise there is so much information at the top and the bottom half.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

500 Days of Summer poster analysis

This poster was made after fox searchlight decided to bring the movie to theaters everywhere, the pictures featured on here of Zooey deschanel have been chosen by fans on the internet.This is another way that helped their marketing as they got people worldwide included, and anticipated for the re-release of the movie. Using the z reading the first thing the audience will see is the main actors names who play the main characters within the movie. The way this poster has been put together is something that will draw in audiences to take their time looking at the poster and taking in all the different types pictures that have been chosen. It would put the audience through confusion and make them think who on earth would collect so many pictures of one person and create a collage of them.This would then bring our attention to the young man sitting in the left corner of the poster. Because he is busily writing or sketching away in a book, we get this impression because the main image which is the collage of all the different photos of Zooey has been outlined with what looks like a pencil. where the young man is sitting has had a background drawn out for him.The layout of how the poster has been presented may appeal to people who do picture collages themselves.This would also appeal to young teens and couples who are in love as the poster suggests that this young man is madly in love with the female character almost obsessed as he has a large quantity of her personal images.Some of the images here could be images from the movie itself as it has been shown before and this is just the official poster of the re-release.So it would appeal more to previous audiences as there is synergy there with the movie.out of all the pictures the one that appeals the most is the one in the middle where the eye would first go to and the camera shot is a point of view shot.a direct gaze that includes the audience.
The title of the movie is placed in the middle with a large yellow star as it is an eye catching vibrant colour which is definate to attract attention whereas everything else is less vibrant. the large yellow star is in shape of a sun which connects with the title as the sun is usually always out during 'summer'. The fact that the main title and the large sun shape is directly in the middle of the collage may suggest that Zooeys characters name may be summer.The main tone of the pictures is blue and the background is white suggesting this could be a page from the book he is writing or sketching in at the moment.