Saturday 26 January 2013

Section A analysis of Dexter opening sequence

in this opening sequence during the preparation of food, the food is not portrayed as food but more like a human, as it is given qualities of a human.Such as when the meat is being sliced, it seemed as though it was a humans body getting sliced. We get the impression mainly due to the colour tone of the meat.It wasn't pink or red the way you would expect meat to be, it was more of a human skin tone.The main character is represented as quite a violent and dangerous person.We get this impression because of his actions, as in the first few seconds we see him slap a mosquito on his arm. Not normally what someone would do and the fact that he smiled after killing the mosquito shows the audience that he very much enjoyed that unnecessary killing.We also see a smudge of blood on his arm where he killed the mosquito.A inter-title appears with the word Dexter.This is written in red,the writing seems as though it has been written in blood. This is because two letters are smudged at the bottom which look very similar to blood.As the main inter-title, that shows the name of the show which is the name Dexter is written in red writing which could be blood tells the audience that this is a dangerous show,or the character Dexter is a very dangerous person as the colour red is known to symbolise danger.The actions the main character carries out during the opening sequence such as placing his hand on his own neck while shaving,slicing the meat to get the part he wants to cook, slicing and cooking the egg,tightening floss and laces around his fists, all these actions are carried out quite professionally.Almost perfectly as though he has done something like this before and has a lot of practice  This clearly labels him as dangerous.The other thing that can make the audience consider him as dangerous is that his face is not fully shown throughout the opening sequence. we only receive bits of his face at a time such as the back of his head, his mouth whilst he is eating etc. It makes the audience suspicious about him.It makes us wonder why his identity is hidden from us.Only at the end of the opening sequence we see his full face.He finally reveals his identity.But the use of camera shots and angles used give the impression that we have been watching him, almost spying on him as the main shots used are close ups and extreme close ups. the art where he reveals his face he gives the audience uncomfortable direct gaze almost saying without words i know you have been watching me,but in a more threatening way where the audience wouldn't dare tell anyone else what they have seen going on.which brings us to the end where he leaves his apartment or house and again gives us a direct gaze.The camera shot makes us feel as though we are his neighbors and have been watching him.He gives a direct gaze and nod almost as to say hello to mock the audience that only we know what he does but we cannot tell anyone else.

Media Forms
The use of lighting when he is out of his home is very high key lighting.It creates a positive mood and a atmosphere opposite to horror.Whereas inside his home there is low key lighting especially in the start when he wakes up. when we reach the end of the sequence when he walks out his home we realise how different the lighting is in both settings.It creates two different atmospheres it also presents the main character in a different light.It almost shows his personality that outside in the real world he puts a mask on his true identity and blends in with the positivity but in his home he is his true dark and demented self.The close up and extreme close ups suggest that we are spying on him and the reason w are spying on him is that there is something very intriguing about him.He is hiding something and we want to find out what it is therefore we are being nosy and spying on him whilst he goes through his normal morning routine.The close ups and extreme close ups help us focus on things we would not usually focus or pay attention to such as the way he handles his food,laces and how he places his hand on his neck whilst shaving.we realise how significant these small actions are as they clearly show he is a professional in......murdering?.The close up at the end which shows the main characters face that lasts for a long number of seconds makes it feel as though he is speaking/threatning us.As he has caught us watching him and knows a fear has grown of him inside us so with the long direct gaze he is pushing the fear further.

Media Language
The music used is something hat you would hear in a horror movie where the killer is enjoying the negative actions he carries out.It created a sinister,creepy atmosphere the music it what makes the audience create a certain type of impression about the main character is what made me think this man may be up to something more serious and dangerous, rather than just having a normal morning routine.There is no use of non diagetic sound. Which makes it feel more suspicious as there are no words, only eerie music being played and suspicious actions being carried out.

The gender of this would be males and females,a western culture race as the location of where he is is a western location.Age of the audiences are likely to be over 18 as there is a lot of blood shown, more than the amount that would normally be shown which tells us that there may be a lot of bloodshed. I think this because blood is associated a lot with this show as we also see the name in the inter-title written in blood.This has a USP as it is not something everyone would enjoy watching because many people are not pleased at the sight of blood.This show would be for people who enjoy watching things such as CSI and NCSI. As these shows contain killing that are being investigated.Here we are almost like the detective watching the killer.user grats-entertainment.It would not be suitable for a family as t contains violence,we know this from when he violently slaps the mosquito into his arm....killing it.

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