Saturday 26 January 2013

21 Jump Street Teaser poster analysis

Using z reading the first bit of writing you see is the main actors names, Jonah hill and Channing tatum. These are written in large, bold white capitals. Which makes it easier for the audience to notice. As white stands out against the fiery and black background.They are also well known actor names.They are likely to draw in audiences and make them look up the movie on the internet to find out more about it if any of these two actors are their favorite. Use of famous actors is what can draw in audiences and create the movie to be a hit that's why most posters put the actors name on the top as it will be the first thing that the audience see.
the fiery background shows that they have the potential of having a serious job as police as they are in the middle of an explosion.The fact that they are in casual wear lets us know they are undercover, we know they are cops under cover as they are wearing police badges around their necks.The tagline for this poster also lets us know that they are cops undercover.The title of the movie is not in the middle but placed somewhere it doesn't attract much attention as i think the focus here is suppose to be on the image.What the two characters could be up to.A serious movie as they are both holding guns,Jonah hills face expression lets us know that this is a comedy whereas Channing Tatum face expression shows this contains some streaks of seriousness.They seem as though they are running and this picture is a freeze of them to show how actin packed the movie is and the tagline gives away the main story line of the movie. To help people understand what the movie may be based around. The title is written using white and red,red has not been used anywhere else in the poster, showing the significance in the word jump.Maybe the red colour has been used there to attract audiences attention to the movie title.Coming soon is surrounded by little grey writing which is probably the names of the producers, directors and it is also the institution logos such as MGM and Sony,it is surrounded by all of that as it helps it stand out more against the black background and grey writing.The tagline is written in yellow to help separate it from everything else on the poster.

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