Monday 14 January 2013

500 days of summer trailer analysis

  • Begins with no non diagetic sound but diagetic sound.
  • Two main characters shown
  • Diagetic sound as Zooeys character starts a conversation with Joesphs character.
  • No use of non diagetic sound to make the audience feel in the moment with them.
  • Josephs face expression as Zooey leaves shows he is in awe of her. Has he fallen in love?
  • Long shot for when she leaves to show they were in an elevator.
  • We see synergy from the teaser trailer and poster. same characters used from them.This is probably their first conversation together.
  • Institution intertitle appears 'Fox Searchlight Pictures' synergy from the poster as this institution is mentioned on the poster and in the teaser trailer. 
  • slow edits
  • Non-diagetic sound calm music.
  • diagetic sound again,narration same voice that is heard in the teaser trailer-synergy detected again.
  • diagetic sound unravels the plot for us gives us information on the two main characters their beliefs and names.
  • A shot of the two main characters on the park bench appears like they were in the teaser trailer-synergy.
  • Tagline is mentioned again-synergy.
  • This begins when the non diagetic sound stops and it comes to a close up on Summer's face and diagetic sound is only present as she says 'i think we should stop seeing eachother.
  • Edits speed up a little.
  • Plot begins to unravel more when the little girl says 'start from the beginning and tell us what happened' and an inter title appears of the number of days.
  • The inter-title that says (1) days. is in the form of how the inter title that said 500days of summer was in the teaser trailer-synergy.
  • More diagetic sound from characters.story is unraveling more and more we get to know what characters are like ourselves rather than hearing from the narration.
  • More shots that we are not familiar with are shown but most are shots seen from the teaser trailer.
  • Inter title that appears showing the number of days appears again e.g. (1) days. helps audience understand how the title of the movie links with the movie itself. we've learnt that he is counting the days with summer or how many days she has been present in his life and they lasted 500 days.
  • Humorous conversation shown to draw in people who like some humour.Adult humour showing the movie is for an adult intended audience.
  • Intimate conversation between characters about relationships,giving a taste of what the movie will be like and the characters point of views.
  • Begins when music changes to a more upbeat happy tune and the male main character says 'i think its official i'm in love with summer'.
  • faster edits
  • different inter title appears (official selection sun dance film festival 2009), this is seen on the official poster aswell. Synergy detected.
  • Extreme close up of Summers face.Synergy detected as it is a picture from the poster.
  • One of the last few shots is a memorable line said by the main male character ' i don't want to get over her i want to get her back'
  •  Inter title (500) days of summer the way it is written in the teaser trailer-synergy detected.
  • humorous last conversation between two characters.humour is more memorable.Likeable characters as that would draw in more audiences.

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