Wednesday 9 January 2013

500 days of Summer website

500days of summer official site is
The institution here is really made obvious as the top banner on the page is dedicated to fox searchlight. it also has text promoting the fox searchlight facebook page. it has another one of these when you scroll down lower onto the page and somewhere in the middle it has another box promoting the tumblr page.We can straight away see alot of viral marketing being done here.there is also a box that consists of the ongoing tweets that are based around the movie 500 days of summer, giving fans the chance to join in and conversate with other fans of the movie.The page is full of information on 500 days of summer. we have the premiere photos. a section called 500 days of summer videos which consists of different types of videos, montages of the movie and behind the scenes videossuch as 'Behind (500) DAYS: Joe and Zooey On Creativity'. Videos that feature the actors and directors giving out information that is relative to the movie.
The top of the page which you can see in the picture consists of a very familiar picture. This shows the synergy between the poster and the website as they have used the same images from the poster here but only zoomed more up close on the boy and put the most eye catching picture from the collage in the middle where someones attention would first go to. Again outlining the two main characters of this movie. this site is also promoting the soundtrack here on the bottom right of this image and on the bottom left it is provides a link to purchase the blu-ray or dvd. The site is very interactive as when you click on the 'watch trailer' on the right side in the middle it brings up a little screen that shows you more than one trailer for the movie including the teaser trailer.Giving the user alot of information as the menu after the movies brings up options of watching other videos.The site gives you alot of background information on other things associated with the movie such as 'what did the critics say' links and boxes with opinions on the movie from critics which can help audiences determine whether this is a movie for them.

When you scroll down again in the right hand corner there is another box that says /buy the dvd buy on itunes'.Promoting the movie and enticing audiences to buy the movie online, quicker and convienant rather than going out to pick it up from a store.It also has a link to like the page on facebook, creating a larger fanbase for them. this site has a few complicated uses as you discover that the top half where the main image is where videos are played and other features. It almost makes you realise there is so much information at the top and the bottom half.

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