Saturday 12 January 2013

500 days of Summer teaser trailer analysis

  • Institution is shown at first-fox searchlight pictures
  • Long shot to show setting from park bench
  • Slow edits
  • Slow, calm music not as upbeat
  • Start of a story-how they met
  • Starts with non-diagetic sound-music-famous well known song
  • Diagetic sound, narration of story, he says words related to the storye.g. uncertainty, 500 days of magic. giving audiences an idea of what the movie roughly about and what it diagetic sound from the characters.
  • The first thing heard from the diagetic sound is 'this is not a love story but a story about love' this is the tagline that is seen on the poster for the movie.Synergy detected.
  • long shot of work place and city buildings again setting the scene.
  • Begins when half her face is show in a close up shot as she is lying her head on a pillow,same image is on the poster. Synergy detected.
  • Music speeds up.
  • Plot unravels
  • Mid Shots and Close ups, main characters identfied.
  • This begins when along shot appears where the shot turns into a pencil drawn effect the way it is on the poster with the 'grass' around him while he writes or sketches in his book.Synergy detected.
  • The narration introduces 'Fox searchlight pictures' and a inter-title where the writing changes colour appears and says 500 (days of summer).
  • Then music speeds up and seems a little louder.
  • The action seen in the shots is more active or intimate.
  • More intertitles  that say 500(days of summer) appear.
  • Narrator now only says words describing the story e.g. fury.
  • As the inter-title with the movie name appears at least four times and whilst the inter-title is being shown the title changes colors,this is a way the title will be remembered more. as it is being portrayed in a unique way. audiences are likely to remember the movie name more due to continuous unique inter-titles.

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