Thursday 17 January 2013

21 jump street trailer analysis

  • Slow edits
  • Diagetic sound,setting the scene and characters pasts
  • Non diagetic sound as well
  • Md shots, and close ups used, focusing on two main characters straight away.
  • This begins when one character says to the other 'hey, you want to be friends' the other replies with 'yeah..yeah i do'.
  • After that the edits get a little faster than they were.
  • A bit of the plot unravels, you learn they are now cops but haven't had any action.
  • 3 production logos appear, columbia ,MGM and original film.
  • More diagetic sound un-ravelling the rest of the plot.
  • Mid shots,close ups,longshots setting the scene of where they are sent, the type of atmosphere they are in.
  • this begins when they take the drug and the boy who gave it to them says 'have fun'. right after he says that the edits are faster, music beat is faster.
  • more non diagetic sound
  • after the intertitle 'this spring' more of the action scenes appear, cars blowing up, smashing a vase in someones head, gunshots. showing that it gets hectic compared to what it was like in the begining which was calm and boring.
  • ends with a memorable humourous quote 'i think i crapped my pants'
  • ends with the release date and website for further information.

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